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Export deformed shape to STEP

Export deformed shape to STEP

I'm posting this for a subscription customer:


In Simulation Mechanical it isnt possible to export the deformed 3D model to a Step, Iges or STL file. I would like to see functionality implemented to allow for exporting to a CAD neutral format like STEP.


It is possible to accomplish this by exporting to an .fbx (Showcase) file from Simulation Mechanical, then importing that file into 3ds Max, and finally exporting to an .stl file.  However, being able to go directly to a CAD neutral format from Simulation Mechanical would be a huge benefit.

Community Manager


Not applicable

The ability to at least export directly to a an STL mesh would be a big help. Inventor can convert that to a solid using the "Mesh Enabler" plug in.  


Also it will be great if SimMech can export deformad view with color from results into .dwf

Not applicable

I view this lack of capability as a critical flaw - the only use of this product, without exporting capabilities, is pretty pictures.  Useless pretty pictures.


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