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Element Definition showing what is being applied

Element Definition showing what is being applied



I would like to be able to see what elements I am using without having to open the Element Definition box.




example idea SimMech.png



Community Manager
Status changed to: Comments Requested

Please imagine the following 3 scenarios:


1) You have a single part (plate element) that is made up of 100 surfaces, and you selected the plate thickness to be based on surface number instead of applying a uniform thickness to the entire part


2) You have a part (beam element) that is made up of 100 layers and each layer defines a unique cross section.


3) You have a part (beam element), where you have manually entered the sectional properties (area, moment of inertia etc.)


In such cases what would be your expectation from the software in terms of the text displayed in the "element definition field




Not applicable

Dear Mr. Sualp.Ozel,


Here are my comments on what I would like to see in those situations::


"1) You have a single part (plate element) that is made up of 100 surfaces, and you selected the plate thickness to be based on surface number instead of applying a uniform thickness to the entire part"


In this case I would like to be able to expand another tree in the Element Definition, and see each of the surfaces thicknesses by surface.


"2) You have a part (beam element) that is made up of 100 layers and each layer defines a unique cross section."


I would like the same, a expanding Element Definition tree that allows me to quickly consult which element those layers are set.


"3) You have a part (beam element), where you have manually entered the sectional properties (area, moment of inertia etc.)"


In this case I think it would be better to show User Defined, and if the user comes to this case, then he checks the properties he imputted as we do currently.


Thank you for your interest in my opinion, I will gladly share it with the Autodesk community when requested.


Best regards


Yossef Sami El Didi

Status changed to: Gathering Support

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