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Assign a Load to multiple Load Cases

Assign a Load to multiple Load Cases

We often use different Design scenarios to analyze the same geometry with different loading combinations.


Ideally we would just use one Design Scenario and multiple Load Cases. Since a load can only be applied to one Load Case, it forces users to either duplicate the loads if used in multiple combinations, or use the Combine Load Cases tool in the Results Options which increases the complexity of a project.


I would rather see an option that let users assign a load to multiple load cases in the load creation dialog.


This could be done by using commas between the load case numbers, or a more advanced dialog that is similar to the Combine Load Case tools were a table of load cases and multipliers could be entered.


Or perhaps a new tool that is separate from the dialog boxes could be created. The user could assign different loads to Load Cases and use multipliers in a table. The loads could be assigned to named groups(ex. Live Load, Dead Load, Pressure) and those groups could be used in the tables as well. 


With named groups you could export commonly used combinations (ex. 1/2 Wind + LL + DL) and import the combinations in new models. Any loads created could be assigned to the appropriate group and the combinations would be automatically configured.


Currently if the model changes, we delete all of the design scenarios except for the 'Base DS', change the Base DS and recreate all of the loading combinations in new design scenarios by activating or suppressing the necessary loads and constraints. 


A feature or tool like this would significantly reduce design times, especially when geometry changes arise.

Not applicable

Same here ... And in addition we need to change the boundary conditions. So maybe you can also implement the "Multiple Loadcase Feature" to the Boundary Conditions.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Accepted


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