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Better Analysis Report Output

Better Analysis Report Output

Hi All,



I personally think it would be a good idea to improve the way the outputs are presented in Report.

For example, for a selected column the current report shows the relevant equations and whether it satisfies failure criteria.

I think if more thorough report or calculation sheets could be produced showing detail overview of what equations are used from which code, list of symbols and notations in more reader friendly layout.


Such report can be useful when an engineer communicate with other designers who are not familiar with general Robot Structural Analysis output formats, and also for education purpose for engineering strudents as well as graduate structural engineers, who would like to go through the calculation procedures as part of continual development.


Autodesk products are fantastic in visual presentations of complicated analysis, which helps a lot to commnicate with people from other fields; just wished same development for better presentation for the actual outputs/reports.


Thank you.







Wow, it's been 4 years and still no significant progress on this idea.


RSA should have a better reporting module. Please 🙂



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