Hi All,
I am having trouble with exporting grid to IFC. Every time I export my model, IFCgrid has different ID.
I opened the attached simple project and exported it to IFC twice with no changes. This is what I see when I open the IFCs in the notepad:
first export:
#183=IFCGRID('2bnwyDcvf5z9M2Dm5GxzRP',#20,'Default Grid',$,$,#182,#181,(#165),(#174),$);
second export:
#183=IFCGRID('0bMfXz0Wb26eMMdhcs5ezF',#20,'Default Grid',$,$,#182,#181,(#165),(#174),$);
You can see that the IDs are different. Nothing was changed in Revit though. This bugs me, when I compare revisions in another software as it always pops up as deleted and newly created.
Is it something that Revit doesn't support? Is there any way how I could track changes to grid? Or the only solution is not to export it at all 😞 ?