Circumferential Rebar 360 degrees - Round foundation

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Circumferential Rebar 360 degrees - Round foundation

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i have a foundation that is roughly 2 ft thick with a 6 foot starter wall. both are a complete circle, in plan looks like a donut. i need to have bars both in the radial direction ( that was no issue ) and also circumferential ( around entire perimeter ) spaced  along the radial direction.  so think of a donut with a inner circle rad of 9 feet and a outer rad of 13 ft and i need rebar going 360 degrees @ 9.5 feet, 10.5 feet, 11.5ft. 12.5 feet radius.. ( as a example ) 

how is this done? i have tried a freeform surface, and it does not work well because there is not a good start and stop plane. 


attached is a screen shot of cross section and a 3D view. cross section is revolved 360 dgrees and would essentially need rebar to be placed such that it follows the path of the revolved foundation as well. 


Thoughts suggestions. ?

Thanks in advance for your help. 




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Hi @Anonymous 


You can use the Aligned Distribution free form rebar for this.


Just select all the concrete faces that the bar needs to follow and then a distribution path (the two edges that make a full circle)

The distance is measured at the distribution path.



You can also use set the workshop instructions to Bend, so that the bars are matched to an existing rebar shape family, and the segment lengths are extracted.


Use the same steps for the circular wall.

The horizontal bars can be defined by using the vertical edge as a path.

The bars along the inclined foundation faces can be created using the surface distribution.


I attached a sample file showing this example

Ovidiu Paunescu, M.Sc. Str. Eng.

Sr. Product Owner | Autodesk Revit