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Revit 2019 crashing


Revit 2019 crashing

'E 11-Aug-2020 16:03:23.135;   0:<
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    865 ,    540
 'E 11-Aug-2020 16:03:23.136;   0:<
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    865 ,    540
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = 0): 3209867-2-FACE (-275.493540, +252.873077, -6.776514) 3209871-2-FACE (-275.493540, +252.873077, -7.401519) 3209873-1-FACE (-275.493540, +252.873077, -8.026523) 3209867-8-LINE (-275.493540, +252.873077, -6.776514) 3209867-12-LINE (-275.486663, +252.873077, -7.046956) 3209871-8-LINE (-275.493540, +252.873077, -7.401519) 3209871-12-LINE (-275.486663, +252.873077, -7.671961) 3209873-4-LINE (-275.493540, +252.873077, -8.026523) 3209873-15-LINE (-275.486663, +252.873077, -8.296965) 
 'H 11-Aug-2020 16:03:23.136;   0:<
 Jrn.Data "Selection action"  _
         , "ADD",  _
          "SEL DELTA : 02-Electrical Conduit : Conduits : Conduit with Fittings : Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (RNC Sch 40) : Reference",  _
          "SEL RESULT: 5 items," & _
          "Conduits 5"
 'C 11-Aug-2020 16:03:23.145;   0:< Assertion failed: line 99 of Elem\Alignment.cpp
 ' 0:< Exception occurred
 'C 11-Aug-2020 16:03:23.146;   0:< ExceptionCode=0xe06d7363 ExceptionFlags=0x00000001 ExceptionAddress=00007FFE5463A799
 ' 0:< BC: 0,2621,1
 ' 0:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ]
 ' 0:< RAM Statistics:    21236 /    32766      3634=InUse     3953=Peak 
 ' 0:< VM  Statistics: 134206138 / 134217727      3430=InUse     3721=Peak 
 ' 1:< ::34902:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 134206144 MB, Used -18 -> 3421 MB; RAM: Avail +145 -> 21371 MB, Used -18 -> 3625 MB
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8843, Used 1157, User: Used 619
 ' 1:< Revit worker 1 closed cleanly
 ' 0:< [00002dfc]QueueMinder stopped
 'C 11-Aug-2020 16:03:24.134;   1:< logging finished virtualization services 
 'C 11-Aug-2020 16:03:24.134;   1:< logging finished worker services 
 'C 11-Aug-2020 16:03:24.138;   1:< logging erased queues 
 '  0.965635   1:<<<Terminating Slave Processes
 ' 0:< ::34902:: Delta VM: Avail +67 -> 134206212 MB, Used -29 -> 3392 MB; RAM: Avail +107 -> 21479 MB, Used -44 -> 3582 MB
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8847, Used 1153, User: Used 596
 ' 0:< CefSharp has been shutdown successfully!
 ' 0:< ::34902:: Delta VM: Avail +1 -> 134206213 MB, Used 3392 MB; RAM: Avail +32 -> 21512 MB, Used 3582 MB
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8847, Used 1153, User: Used 596
 ' 0:< SLOG $f8d0b078 2020-08-11 16:03:24.622 >Crash  
 ' 0:< SLOG    System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ]
 ' 0:< SLOG  RAM Statistics:    21512 /    32766      3582=InUse     3953=Peak 
 ' 0:< SLOG  VM  Statistics: 134206213 / 134217727      3392=InUse     3721=Peak 
 ' 0:< SLOG $f8d0b078 2020-08-11 16:03:24.634 <Crash
 ' 1:< DBG_INFO: Recent Dynamic Added but not to Dynamics, this means that this element is not dynamic anymore with RDYs removed.: line 185 of d:\ship\2019_px64\source\revit\revitdb\display\GraphicsMgr.cpp.
 ' 5:< ::34902:: Delta VM: Avail +23 -> 134206237 MB, Used 3392 MB; RAM: Avail 21512 MB, Used 3582 MB
 ' 5:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8846, Used 1154, User: Used 596
 ' 5:< DBG_INFO: !gRepCutVisitor.hasBeenReallyCut() in GRepCutVisitor::cutGRep().: line 1348 of Visitors\GRepCutVisitor.cpp.
 ' 0:< Unconverted MessageBox "A fatal error has occurred.  The application will be terminated.  You have the opportunity to save recovery files for all of your changed projects.
 'Would you like to save a recovery file?"  '
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