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Linked IFC with almost every project element set to Generic models

Message 1 of 31
6202 Views, 30 Replies

Linked IFC with almost every project element set to Generic models

Hi to everybody, we have the following problem:

In our Revit file almost every element of the project coming from a linked IFC file that we are using as architectural base (exported from Archicad) is set to the revit category "generic models". That makes us impossible to manage the elements and their visibility/graphics overrides settings because in this way we have walls, doors, furniture, light fixtures (those positioned by the architects), etc, all in the same revit category "generic models".


Does anybody know what the problem may be? Does it depend on some IFC linking options to Revit on our side? Or on some IFC exporting options on the architects side? Or..?


We attach a PDF file with a few screenshots of the problem, where you can see the properties window of some elements (if this may help).


Walter Franceschi




Message 2 of 31
in reply to: MarcelloCipriani

In your screenshot I see that the element IfcExportAs is set as "IfcBuilidngElementProxyType.NOTDEFINED"

Normally this value, when used, should represent the proper IFC class like:



It is possible that this value is creating issues. You should talk to the source of the IFC file if they can do anything about this. First ask them to create a small IFC with the proper classes to see if it then works as expected.



Please mention Revit version, especially when uploading Revit files.

Message 3 of 31

You will have to map your IFC elements to Revit categories... start with the link below, also check youtube for some tutorials.



Message 4 of 31
in reply to: L.Maas

Thank you for the suggestion. It seems to point in a good direction. We talked with the architects (the source of the IFC file) and asked them to try to manage the properties/IFC Classes of the project elements before exporting the project into an IFC file. Alas, they are not proficient with this kind of procedure but it has given some good result, anyway (some elements now are no more associated in revit to GENERIC MODELS but to the proper category).

Message 5 of 31
in reply to: L.Maas




I have the same [IfcExportAs] was set into [XXX NOTDEFINED].

But I askedomeone else to create a new revit project and link the same IFC data.He has no problem with mapping .All the elements changed into proper categories.

We use the same version of Revit LT2018.3.

But I noticed the difference between every linked IFC elements showed in my PC and his.Mine has two more parameters created [IfcprdefinedType],[IfcassemblyPlace].But with no more details about this two parameters .I uploaded shotscreen.

I hope someone could help me with this. I have been working on this for several days .Still showing as Generic models.



Message 6 of 31
in reply to: Anonymous



Please check the settings for IFC in the open menu, there is a category mapping setting.


IFC options.png

Fábio Sato
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Message 7 of 31
in reply to: fabiosato



I'm sorry to tell you sir.I already tried this method.This didn't work.

I copied a new IFC data from server again .This data from server is the source data of the `generic models`problem data.The old promblem data and the new data actually are from the same source.

And I use my PC to link these two IFC datas again. The old one is still showing `generic models `but the new one has no problem with mapping.I didn't touch  mapping settings,So I·m considering maybe because something went wrong with revit.Maybe a bug happened?When I linked that problem IFC data. Revit went wrong so that it damaged the old IFC data?

and I received warning report .This shows that when I linked this File ,Ifccolumn and Beam and also some others elements were translated into generic models by revit.

I want to know why this happened so that I could avoid this next time.

Message 8 of 31
in reply to: Anonymous



Have you tried to use OPEN IFC and convert to rvt format and then link this rvt?

Fábio Sato
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Message 9 of 31
in reply to: fabiosato


I have tried this step with the same result. When I open the IFC file using Revit 2019, each element (wall, door, chair, ceiling, floor, light fixture, etc...) still comes in as a "generic model" (very frustrating).

In my many years using 3d design, this is my 1st experience using IFC files. I have worked almost exclusively with Revit through the years, so please be very thorough in your response when referencing the IFC file.

Is there an "add-in" that I can use that will recognize IFC walls and convert them to Revit walls (and all other elements)?

Message 10 of 31
in reply to: jpriceVJJBQ

Try to uninstall [clean delete]and install again. And copy a new IFC data from server(the source of this IFC data)、take the IFC data was damaged by revit at some point into consideration. It worked for me .now the new IFCdata is translated into proper category .in addition. There is nothing to do with [add in ]software because I have tried.
Message 11 of 31
in reply to: jpriceVJJBQ



The setting in the options is similar to this picture?

IFC table.png

Fábio Sato
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Message 12 of 31
in reply to: fabiosato



With this setting,,my new copy 1.PNGIFC data now is ok. assigned into proper categories.but the problem data is still showing as[general models].

Message 13 of 31
in reply to: Anonymous



Select the Revit template to create the RVT file from the IFC link.

The upper line in your picture is empty!

Fábio Sato
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Message 14 of 31
in reply to: Anonymous


we have been struggling with the same problem meanwhile. And I finally figured out what the problem is!

This problem occurs with languages with special signs. (I can see that is can also be your case)

We in Germany have ä,ö,ü,ß and every category with these symbols will be generated as Generic Models!

Like Wände = Walls Luftkanäle = Duct. But things like Luftkanalformteile = Ductfitting and so on work fine.


Now when you create your own template for Export/Import or just do a save as from Revit panel, this .txt file is either ANSI or Unicode. You have to open and resave the text file as UTF-8.

Now if you load this text file everything will be identified correctly!


Be careful though, if you have already created a link with one IFC file! Because if the .RVT file already exists, you cannot make any changes. You should delete it so that this file is generated automatically and again according to the new Mapping template.


It did actually solve our problem, so I hope it helps you as well.


Message 15 of 31
in reply to: tina_osia

Hi,miss or sir


Really appreciate your reply.but I think may be not that problem you mentioned , as you know, when you install revit,many languages are also installed at the same time and saved in Drive C.and revit catagory names also match IFC catagory.most of these catagory.especially beam,slab and so on.these simple elements.

Here is my case,I used the same host file. We have central server .we download IFC data from central server, the first one I downloaded which occured the generic model problem was just damaged for some reason.because I downloaded again from the server and linked to the same host file.It worked as it should be.beam is beam,slab is slab.

maybe you can try the same way to see if it works. 

Message 16 of 31
in reply to: Anonymous


thanks for sharing your result and solution.

A repair or reinstallation of Revit was the only solution we have been left with until this one came up.

I'm aware of the language functionality of Revit pretty well, since I use the Revit-API for our MEP-Solutions. we are a partner of Autodesk in Germany and our Solutions work in more than one language of Revit.


But this case (which may not have been the root of your problem) has nothing to do with Revit-Language. This is simply a .txt file that will be imported in Revit with the wrong format.


The problem looks the same as yours but the reason for this is apparently different. if you make changes to the IFC/Import-mapping and save it on a drive and then load it back in Revit again, then you will get this mess! Many categories are interpreted wrongly. the only solution to this as far as we figured out, is manually changing the format of the .txt file to UTF-8.


Message 17 of 31
in reply to: tina_osia



so you mean, it is still a bug that may cause the generic model problem.because of the special signal in language.

and as far as now,there is no way that autodesk could repair this bug?

and also.dont reload IFC import-mapping to avoid this problem.

so these are two ways you mentioned ,am I righ sir?

Message 18 of 31
in reply to: tina_osia

by the way ,sir.

How can you tell the special sign of language in IFC.which part? could you please upload a picture of your case ?

Message 19 of 31
in reply to: Anonymous

Dear muki.z,


This is how the default IFC-import looks like in my Revit:



As far as someone keeps working with this, everything will be fine! No Bugs in this case.

But if you do a "save as" (to do/save some changes) it will be saved as a .txt file.

If you then load it, everything may look fine in this window, but the Problem occurs that all elements are generic.


To avoid this, it is enough for German characters to change the encoding of the text-file to UTF-8




This is how the encoded form looks like with Characters that are not in an american keyboard.



It may look wrong to the eyes of a user, but it is readable for the IFC-import Plugin.

Now Revit assigns the correct categories to each Element.


By the way: I'm a miss not a sir 😉


Message 20 of 31
in reply to: tina_osia

Hi, miss.

 I noticed your user name this time .hahaha.and by the way Iam a `miss`,too.

Thank you so much for your sharing ,down to the I understand what you were talking about.


today ,I tried again. and get confused again.

I created a new project,using our standard template. and the default IFC class first,I `read`this IFC data in this project.and all the categories were correct. and then I `link `this same IFC data in this project .all the  categories turned out to be generic models.......which I think is pretty weird. As the Autodesk says,the IFC class mapping setting is used both for `read `or `link`. they are supposed to be the same result.


and  as you mentioned .I didnt change anything in the default IFC class mapping.why still generic models. and If it is because of the character code of computer. why `read` worked...could you please be kind to do the same work flow for me to see what would happen in your PC. 1.png2.png3.png



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