I found a method to do this. It's a bit clunky, but it's working for now.
1. Format word document pages so that each page, if cropped, would fit together with the others on your Revit sheet at full size.
2. Save the word document as a .pdf
3. In .pdf editor (we use Bluebeam), set the image export resolution to 600 pixels/inch. In Bluebeam this can be found at: Settings> Preferences> Import/Export> Images> Export as Image Options> Resolution (I also have "create multi-page tiffs" checked in this dialog).
4. In .pdf editor, export to .png file (.jpg will probably work too).
5. Revit- in a plan view, scaled 12"=1'-0", Insert> Import> Image (the reason for importing into a plan view is to have access to the crop region. The word document I'm using has wide margins, and will only fit on the sheet if the margins are cropped.)
6. Revit- (not required) to verify the size of the imported image, draw a filled region snapped to the imported image edges and pull a dimension.
7. Revit- Select Image, Modify> Scale, scale by numerical input and enter the decimal result of 72 (Revit Import Resolution)/ 600 (Original Image Resolution), click cursor in view to activate the scale command- the image will shrink and move. (this method was described in a 2-16-2010 AUGI post by Alex Page)
8. Revit- (not required) to verify the size of the image resize the filled region to snap to the smaller image edges.
9. Revit- Repeat steps 5-8 for each word page of the code summary, and arrange views on a sheet.
10. Updates: make update in Word, save as .pdf, export to .png (overwrite the existing files), unfortunately Revit does not have a live link to these files.
11. Update in Revit: Insert>Manage Images, select.png file, click reload. unfortunately, each image must be selected and reloaded individually. after reloading the updated images, click OK and the images will update in your views.
Additional notes- I'm using this method in a Code Summary project file that has linked models for multiple buildings in the design project. I keep all the word files together in one directory, and have subdirectories for each set of .pdf+.png files. I set up image views and sheets for a project with seven buildings, and have been able to reuse it on two additional projects. When we were in AutoCAD I had a pretty nice attribute block sheet that matched the NC required building code summary formatting (we saw it turn up in documents by other firms, so I think it's a fair claim)- some discussion threads have recommended doing something similar in Revit, but for right now updating code info in the word files and relinking the exported image files in Revit seems more efficient.