View Range bugged?


View Range bugged?

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Refer to the following image:

Level.PNGThis is the elevation view of the building I am working on. The cellar starts at 0' and has a total height of 20'. The wall associated with the cellar was made in a 3D view because, for some reason, I was not able to make it in a 2D plan view.


Now refer to the next image:

Cellar.pngNotice how the walls I created aren't showing up in the floor plan view for the cellar. Please note that the walls for every other floor are showing up in the 2D view. Based on this I thought the problem dealt with the view range. So I tinkered with the view range settings:


Top: Associated Level Cellar: Offset = 20"

Cut Plane: 10'

Bottom: Associated Level Cellar = 0'

View Depth Associated Level = 0'


With these options I hit Apply > Ok.


The walls did not appear. Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding view range?



Accepted solutions (1)
9 Replies
Replies (9)


Your view range settings look okay to me, except for the fact you write that it is associated to Level: Cellar, when in fact your level name is 01 Cellar. I'm going to assume that's not really your problem


View hidden elements. Anything there?


In Visibility Graphics for the view: Are walls turned on? Is a filter controling walls?


Is the Phase Filter parameter of the view set such that the phase the walls were created in doesn't show up?


Is there any workset that's turned off in the view?


Were the walls made into parts and then excluded?


It's a longshot, but does the view have a scope box turned on? And does that scope box not include the walls?

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I tried view hidden elements and nothing came up.

Walls are turned on for that particular view.

I am not familiar with the Phase Filter parameter.

How do I check if a workset is turned off?

The walls were actually copied from the above floor plan and pasted on the
selected cellar level and repositioned to fit the layout of the floor plan
that was provided to me. What do you mean by parts and then excluded?

Please Note: I am a student taking a class in regards to learning the
software. There are many things I am unfamiliar with. I simply follow the
lectures to get my work done. However, I do come across certain problems
that weren't addressed in class such as this.

Update: After restarting Revit, I was able to sketch walls in the 2D view.
The problem still persisted if I sketched in 3D and wished to view in 2D,
but I deleted those walls that I sketched in 3D. Interestingly enough,
after sketching the walls in 2D, I am clearly able to see the walls in the
floor plan view. When I switch to 3D I am also able to see the walls I
created. Strangely doing the opposite does not work.

Thanks for the help though.

Accepted solution

Update: After restarting Revit, I was able to sketch walls in the 2D view.
The problem still persisted if I sketched in 3D and wished to view in 2D,
but I deleted those walls that I sketched in 3D. Interestingly enough,
after sketching the walls in 2D, I am clearly able to see the walls in the
floor plan view. When I switch to 3D I am also able to see the walls I
created. Strangely doing the opposite does not work.


I'm leaning towards the Phase and Phase Filter parameters being your problem then. Can you attach a copy of your file here so I can take a look?

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Hmm unfortunately I cannot send you my work because the file size is too big (6 mb). I tried zipping but it's still too big (5.4 mb).



Can you host it online somewhere? Like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc., and provide a link to it?

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Here is a dropbox link of the assignment:


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I forgot to mention. I redid the cellar starting with the 2D view so that I was able to see the floor plan associated with it. The problem I described is persistent on the other floors in regards to their exterior glazing and at most persistent on the roof level where nothing can be seen in the plan view.


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Hello again,


I think you are correct as far as the phases are concerned. When I clicked on the exterior glazing and went to properties, I noticed that the Phase was for Project Completed. The concrete walls that showed up in the plan view were under A10 Substructure phase. When I converted the Exterior Glazing to A10 substructure phase it showed up on the plan view.



Oh, I'm glad you got it figured out. Were you able to solve the issue for each level's plan view then?


If somebody has created several custom Phases for that project file, make sure you're in a view that's set to the appropriate Phase when you model something. If you model a wall while the view is set to the New Construction phase, but you've got the Phase Filter set to only show the Existing phase, then of course the wall you model is going to disappear immediately, because the view isn't set to display it.


I remember Phases kind of confused me at first. Took a bit of time to grasp what was going on.