Sometime between when I reinstalled Win10 and 12/31 the issue exporting of the walkthrough occurred again. I tried reinstalling Windows again but it didn't fix the issue this time.
I investigated the Revit journal files and found it reported "Exception occured when preparing the compressed stream." I checked on a different machine where the export works this exception was not reported.
Below is from the Revit journal:
Jrn.Data "AnimationExport_1" _
, 6.75000000000000, 5.06249999999991, 648 _
, 486, 1
'H 02-Jan-2019 13:54:17.210; 0:<
Jrn.Data "AnimationExport_2" _
, "..\..\..\..\..\..\Documents\Church Walkthrough Space.avi", 655, 658 _
, 60, 2
' 0:< Containing transaction AnimationDlg_1,-1, contained transaction ViewerAnimator_1,-1, BUTO C++OB
' 1:< ;PERF;MISC;FullUpdateGraphicCacheUpdater::updateAll() DBView3d id=388526: 513 elements need cache update
' 3:< ::41:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134177359 MB, Used +27 -> 1281 MB, Peak +24 -> 1281 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 11461 MB, Used +29 -> 1324 MB, Peak +28 -> 1324 MB
' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9238, Used 762, User: Used 442
' 3:< facetFaceWithSpecifiedAlgorithm is triangulating a long, thin face (face 11400).
' 3:< facetFaceWithSpecifiedAlgorithm is triangulating a long, thin face (face 11404).
' 3:< facetFaceWithSpecifiedAlgorithm is triangulating a long, thin face (face 11359).
' 3:< facetFaceWithSpecifiedAlgorithm is triangulating a long, thin face (face 11363).
' 3:< facetFaceWithSpecifiedAlgorithm is triangulating a long, thin face (face 10362).
' 3:< facetFaceWithSpecifiedAlgorithm is triangulating a long, thin face (face 10367).
' 2:< ::41:: Delta VM: Avail -80 -> 134177280 MB, Used +76 -> 1358 MB, Peak +76 -> 1358 MB; RAM: Avail -85 -> 11376 MB, Used +77 -> 1401 MB, Peak +77 -> 1401 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9239, Used 761, User: Used 442
' 0.404730 3:<<<;PERF;MISC;drawing
' 1:< ;PERF;MISC;FullUpdateGraphicCacheUpdater::updateAll() DBView3d id=388526: 513 elements need cache update
' 0:< Exception occured when preparing the compressed stream.