Revit 2019 multi-monitor support, tabbed views, 3d perspective orbiting issues


Revit 2019 multi-monitor support, tabbed views, 3d perspective orbiting issues


After a few days of use of Revit 2019 I have some observations which may be user error, bugs, or ideas for improvement. I'd appreciate if anyone has similar experiences or solutions:


  • It appears tabbed views may only be used on the primary monitor, within the main Revit window. Dragging a view or view tab away from the primary window works great, and I can double click the top bar of that window to make it full screen on my secondary monitor. However, I can't drag other views or view tabs onto the screen to tab them in the same way as I can on the primary window. Am I doing something wrong? If not, this would be a great next improvement.
  • When using Tile Views, I can neatly tile my views in the primary window. I appreciate that re-organizing the tiles causes them all to re-shuffle automatically. Not sure if this was the case in previous versions, but this works fantastic to sort my tabs visually as I'd like. However, I seem unable to tile windows on my secondary monitor. If I want to have multiple views on another screen, it appears I must manually resize and move them around. Am I doing something wrong? If not, this would be a great next improvement.
  • Switching a 3D view to perspective projection mode is great. It even works with section boxes. However, in perspective mode, I'm unable to orbit by using Middle Click + Shift. It only works if I press Shift + Middle Click. Switching back to orthographic mode allows me to orbit with either combination, so I think this is a bug. Has anyone else experienced this?

I've attached screenshots of the secondary monitor tile and tab issues above.


Our office let out an audible cheer when we learned 2019 included tabbed views and native-built in multi-monitor support. One of our biggest frustrations with the software has been trying to navigate through multiple open windows. Thank you Autodesk!

Accepted solutions (1)
8 Replies
Replies (8)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @hstaabprime


Thank you very much for post and your audible cheer Smiley Happy


I will share your screenshots with the dedicated resource for further feedback.



Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support
Accepted solution

Hi @hstaabprime


Sharing feedback from the team:

  • Each view becomes its own secondary top-level window.
  • Revit does not have internal tools to manage these windows.
  • However, Windows has some built in tools for managing top-level windows.
  • Having secondary top-level windows able to host and tab multiple views is on the future roadmap, but as of now we don't have a timeline.

Related AKN articles:

Check the videos below for multi-monitor support


Regarding your third point, you can also post to the Revit ideas forum

I'll update here if I have further feedback from the team.


Hope that helps!

Please select the Accept as Solution button if my post solves your issue or answers your question. Likes welcome!



Not applicable

Well it would be nice if Revit worked on multiple monitors on my iMac! but it gets really weird, the size of the display goes red, then huge text and it is all messed up. . . you guys really ought to be more friendly to the macs out there! Note, i have been using it on my imac with 

AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB flawlessly but the option to move to second monitor is promised. . . just doesn't work right > keep @ it tho:-) Other changes to 2019 are quite nice tho. . . 


Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous


Thanks for acknowledging Revit 2019 and its features.

You re welcome to post on our ideas forum regarding mac and multi-monitor support.




Not applicable

Hi Viveka


We are having issues in revit 2019, regarding tabbing through windows, i can only tab through 1 - 3 views at the time. randomly how many it allows. and then i have to click in the view before further tabbing is allowed.


Really irritating if you have 20+ views open.


best regards



Not applicable

On top of the view tabbing issue, there is and issue with zooming while having reveal hidden objects turned on, where sometimes it doesnt allow you zoom at all.


best regards



Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

@Anonymous Can you specify your model size?




Not applicable

The model is about 160MB, or 11.000m2 of building. 

The problem still occours when only five windows open, and not using the new feature of multiscreen.


By the way, the multiscreen feature is a good upgrade, but works so dissapointing alot of work still has to go into this, right now you can just have a single view on the other screen....



Best regards
