Moshe-A wrote:
"what i'm looking for is to create a meterial tag that uses the description (as default) but give the user the option
to use other field for a special condition
i hope i'm now more clear? "
Now, it is definitely more clear.
Follow these steps in order to modify your existing Material Tag:
1.) Find the Tag in your Project Browser (Families > Annotations) and open it for editing.
2.) Select the Label (the text), and copy it 1" (or some other fixed distance) up.
3.) Select the copied Label and click "Edit Label..." under Properties. Remove the "Description" parameter and add the "Comments" Parameter, instead.
4.) Select the copied Label again, and under Properties, click on the little grey button to the right of "Visibility". In the following dialog, select "Create Parameter", and then name you Parameter "ShowComments" (or something). Make sure you leave it as a Type Parameter.
5.) Repeat step 4 with your original Label, but create a new parameter and name it "ShowDescription" (or something similar).
6.) Open the Family Types dialog (upper left). Create two new Types, named something like "Tag by Description" and "Tag by Comments".
7.) For each of these Types, check the appropriate box for the newly created Yes/No Parameters (steps 4 & 5) and uncheck the other.
Now, when you use this Family, you can select between the two using the Type Selector. This is the best you can do in Revit, as of now. It is currently impossible to include manipulative Instance Parameters in Tags, so you must use Type Parameters.
Corey D.
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