A residential renovation has two phases Show All "existing" and also Show All "new construction", but the four exterior elevation symbols only show on one of the phases (new construction) like in the new construction phase floor plan, but the elevation symbols do not show in the floor plan of the "existing" phase.
What is the reason?
And how to show the four exterior elevation symbols on both floor plans?
Thanks in advance.
Check "Hide Scales Coarser Than" Scale.
Could be Phase-related too.
If you want show a new elevation symbol on existing plan, drop an elevation and choose reference other view, then select a new phase elevation view.
@octavio2 wrote:What do you mean by "drop"?
See #5 on that list I posted.
@octavio2 wrote:
Also, where you select "reference other view"?
See https://help.autodesk.com/view/RVT/2024/ENU/?guid=GUID-06A7F33C-0F52-4075-8896-3E27963A98D9
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