In the following picture I am going to show what´s my problem: this wall does not join in a proper way with the roof. I have tried to figure out a solution (I have been searching in this forum for several hours), but I cannot solve the problem. I have tried to edit the geometry in different ways, align every line in all the possible ways, but the problem does not disappear!
What can I do?
Was a bit hard to tell from the picture but is it your ceiling that is cutting the void in the wall ? If so, then move the ceiling boundary to the inside of the wall. This is presuming that the ceiling is a separate item from the roof structure.
Sorry, I should have uploaded another pic of my mess!
Of course, the ceiling and the roof are two different objects; moreover the ceiling´s boundary is inside the wall. Actually it looks like this:
In your modelling process did you attached the wall top to the roof ? You could try detaching the wall from the roof, set the wall top to a level and use the wall "top extension distance" to extend the cladding higher.
Have you looked into the priority settings of your materials in your wall/roof build up? Maybe one is overwriting? Then I can only think of the join geometry tool to tidy it up. In this situation I don't think attach top/base will work for you.
Please send me your file with the issue to : karam.baki@gmail.com
Will analyse the problem and post back to you the steps to fix it.
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