This is something that I also expected some more motion on in forums - they've really "cleaned up" the categories so you must “Stay on Point” and not disrupt the "learning process".
Couple things here. Over the years I have been a huge critic of this poorly written piece of software. When I first started using it years ago I was like "huh - you're freaking kidding me" as to how unintuitive it was to use. I did a few things - presented things I thought could be improved, commented on specific issues and actually tried to help other people figure some things out.
What I found in most cases was surprising - not only did the company not give a hoot but the users themselves were/are so convinced that this program is GOD that they would Bully you for commenting on anything negative and blast you for thinking like a human being.
I'm lucky enough to come from not only a Construction Background but a Media/Music/Arts background as well. I have had the benefit of working with many pieces of software over the years to make a living. Most all of them turn over at a RAPID pace - they are competitive with their rivals and fight for every last user. They do this by making the creative process more enjoyable - they create vibrant user interfaces, simplify work flow, and create new ways of making digital art exciting. Not only are you buying new versions and upgrades but you are like a Kid waiting for them to be released because of the fun it’s going to bring to your job.
This is where Autodesk Fails – over and over again. “Move on - people nothing to see here – get back to work”. Not only is there very little innovation – they again are completely stubborn and RUDE when accepting criticism from the users who put food on their table.
“And while we don’t agree with everything in the letter….” - Really?? Here we go again. It’s this type of response that makes people angry. Stop being Defensive and LISTEN to what people are saying. Instead Amy Bunzel starts ranting about the Cloud and Lies about Revit’s Performance – Lady what are you talking about??!!
These people are so detached from reality, most have never created a set of drawings or worked on a real project before and the ones that have probably do not hold any position of power within the company to make real change – otherwise we would have received a completely different answer.
As a Designer, I have my own plans for the future – especially now that I know nothing will change in the near future with Revit.
First – I am using Revit for Emergencies Only – There are times where it’s a valuable tool but I make sure I know what I’m getting into before I start something In it. Second – I am using Sketchup & AutoCAD more and more these days to present my ideas to clients – it’s easier and honestly looks just as good with Vray Attached. Third – I am looking at other options for 2021 and as someone who has to manage and create I am looking into what the easiest workflow is to bring older projects into other Vendor’s Software – this is the tricky part and why people haven’t thrown in the towel all together. Revit is very difficult to export/import and retain information into another program. You’re losing hours of work and lots of money unless you are fortunate enough to keep the license for revisions.
I could go on and on and get really specific about the shortfalls of Revit. What’s even more disappointing is AutoDesk’s response – “[INSERT CUSS WORD HERE]”. That's the reason I will be leaving permanently.