I've been bashing my head against the wall for a while now trying to figure this out, and I've kind of run into a wall at this point. I don't often use forums, but maybe I'll be lucky and someone can get back to me on this sooner than later.
So here's my problem. I have a straight fabricated part and I place an instance of a family on the center line of the fab part. This is all working just fine and placement isn't an issue. However, I want my family instance to be placed as rotated along with the fab part. In this instance I need to roll the instance, though I would also like to get any ideas on how to do something similar for pitch and yaw situations if possible to get a good system of pulling these angles. I just need the angles so that I can use the element.location.rotate to rotate the instance.
The data I have to work with is the transform information from the fab part. So I have basis and origin information. I just can't seem to figure out how to get a consistent roll angle out of the information. Using OfVector, AngleTo, and at times AngleOnPlaneTo, I get various information sometimes things that seem to solve my issue in one of the directions. But as the fab part is rotated towards North, tilted up, or pointed straight up, that roll angle changes even though it should be constant and I don't know how to figure it out. 3D graphics and matrixes are one of my weaknesses when it comes to these kinds of things.
If anyone has any ideas on how to get this information, I'd love to hear it