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Non-primary electrical connector does not trigger electrical system change events

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Non-primary electrical connector does not trigger electrical system change events

When trying to use Updater events to trigger execution of certain actions upon detecting any type of change in electrical systems, I have noticed an issue where changes involving non-primary connectors do not trigger Updater. To narrow the issue further down, it looks to me it ignores the subsequent changes of the circuits that are not made out of primary connectors, but there could be some other factors.

The issue really seems to be due to the way Revit exposes connectors as when I switched primary assignment, I noticed that changes to newly assigned primary system type were getting registered but again, if the change was only made to the "secondary" circuits it did nothing.


Steps to reproduce the problem:

For example, an electrical device has both power and data connector, of which power is assigned as primary.

In the addin I am working on, I have used following trigger declared during OnStartup:

UpdaterRegistry.AddTrigger(elSysChanged.GetUpdaterId(), elFilter, ElectricalSystem.GetChangeTypeAny());

where elFilter is LogicalAndFilter that admits only Family Instances of electrical categories (Electrical Fixtures, Lighting Fixtures, Fire Alarm Devices, etc.).

So, the idea behind this is to catch any change in any of the systems and do some checking on validity of assigned circuits, but as I have described after initial creation or deletion of the circuit, changes like removing or assigning new source, adding or removing elements from data circuit does not trigger an Updater. To me this is counter-intuitive as if the change is made on power circuit, event gets triggered regardless of the type of change involved.

I would like to avoid registering an event by having it triggered by any change to an element and as far as I have tested I have noticed that built in parameters do not work - plus again I am not sure if that approach would even be useful due to how secondary connectors are inaccessible - but I could be wrong here although there is unresolved issue raised in 2015 on this.

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