I am testing journal files and their automation capabilities, and I have run into an issue where the journal file, when played from a modified Revit Shortcut, does not load Application macros. I currently do not have any document level macros in it, but I suspect they would also not display due to not being able to create any new modules, application or document.
Is this a side effect of playing the journal file from within a Revit shortcut (Target is: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2019\Revit.exe" "<filepath>\journal.0404.txt" /language ENU), or is there another issue at play here? Should I modify anything within the journal file (currently untouched)? I have no issues loading the file I am using to test, and I can interact with the ribbon menu just fine, so it seems to be an issue specifically with the macros/journals.
Any help or insight would be appreciated!