I figured out a little about the problem and correct my question: I have to move the point (curve) a certain distance (central layers) along the normal. I took the Orientation x and, using the trigonometry formula cos2 + sin2 = 1, found it from x - y, but (as can be seen from the formula) we can have Y positive and negative how to get from the infu curve what sign should it be?
private static XYZ MoveWallLayers(Wall wall, XYZ directionCurve,double centerLayers)
LocationCurve newWallLineT = wall.Location as LocationCurve;
var x = directionCurve.X * centerLayers ;
double y = Math.Sqrt( 1 - Math.Pow(directionCurve.X, 2)) * centerLayers ;
XYZ translationVec = new XYZ(y, x, 0);
return translationVec;