I want to get these lines of a ceiling grid from linked file
I tried this way but it seems not to be working when the ceiling is in a linked file
private void test(Document ActiveDoc, Ceiling elem)
Reference r = HostObjectUtils.GetBottomFaces(elem).FirstOrDefault();
PlanarFace face = elem.GetGeometryObjectFromReference(r) as PlanarFace;
XYZ corner = null;
foreach (Curve cv in face.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops().FirstOrDefault())
corner = cv.GetEndPoint(0);
var HatchLines = AnalyzeHatch(ActiveDoc, elem, r);
if (HatchLines.Count > 0)
using (TransactionGroup tg = new TransactionGroup(ActiveDoc, "align2RefPlane"))
foreach (var HLine in HatchLines)
ReferencePlane pl = null;
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(ActiveDoc, "CreateRefPlane"))
pl = ActiveDoc.Create.NewReferencePlane(HLine.Item3.Add(HLine.Item4.Multiply(3)), HLine.Item3, face.FaceNormal.Multiply(3), doc.ActiveView);
pl.Name = string.Format("{0}_{1}", "ref", Guid.NewGuid());
string stableRef = string.Format("{0}:0:{1}", pl.UniqueId, "SURFACE");
Reference ref2Plane = Reference.ParseFromStableRepresentation(doc, stableRef);
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(ActiveDoc, "align2RefPlane"))
ActiveDoc.Create.NewAlignment(ActiveDoc.ActiveView, ref2Plane, HLine.Item2);
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(ActiveDoc, "MovePlane"))
XYZ translation = HLine.Item3.Subtract(corner);
ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(ActiveDoc, pl.Id, translation);
/// <summary>
/// Analyse the hatch
/// </summary>
/// <param name="elem">An element with surface hatch.</param>
/// <param name="hatchface">The reference to the face to analyse.</param>
/// <returns>Returns:
/// foreach hatchline in hatchpattern
/// item1 = index of hatchline in hatchpattern
/// item2 = reference to the hatchline
/// item3 = point on hatchline
/// item4 = direction of hatchline.</returns>
List<Tuple<int, Reference, XYZ, XYZ>> AnalyzeHatch(Document ActiveDoc, Element elem, Reference hatchface)
var elemDocument = elem.Document;
//check for model surfacepattern
List<Tuple<int, Reference, XYZ, XYZ>> res = new List<Tuple<int, Reference, XYZ, XYZ>>();
PlanarFace face = elem.GetGeometryObjectFromReference(hatchface) as PlanarFace;
Material mat = elemDocument.GetElement(face.MaterialElementId) as Material;
FillPatternElement patterntype = elemDocument.GetElement(mat.SurfaceForegroundPatternId) as FillPatternElement;
if (patterntype == null) return res;
FillPattern pattern = patterntype.GetFillPattern();
if (pattern.IsSolidFill || pattern.Target == FillPatternTarget.Drafting) return res;
// get number of gridLines in pattern
int _gridCount = pattern.GridCount;
// construct StableRepresentations and find the Reference to HatchLines
string StableRef = hatchface.ConvertToStableRepresentation(elemDocument);
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(ActiveDoc, "analyse hatch"))
if (!ActiveDoc.IsModifiable)
for (int hatchindex = 0; hatchindex < _gridCount; hatchindex++)
ReferenceArray _resArr = new ReferenceArray();
for (int ip = 0; ip < 2; ip++)
int index = (hatchindex + 1) + (ip * _gridCount * 2);
string StableHatchString = StableRef + string.Format("/{0}", index);
Reference HatchRef = null;
HatchRef = Reference.ParseFromStableRepresentation(elemDocument, StableHatchString);
{ }
if (HatchRef == null) continue;
// 2 or more References => create dimension
if (_resArr.Size > 1)
using (SubTransaction st = new SubTransaction(ActiveDoc))
Dimension _dimension = ActiveDoc.Create.NewDimension(ActiveDoc.ActiveView, Line.CreateBound(XYZ.Zero, new XYZ(10, 0, 0)), _resArr);
// move dimension a tiny amount to orient the dimension perpendicular to the hatchlines
// I can't say why it works, but it does.
ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(ActiveDoc, _dimension.Id, new XYZ(.1, 0, 0));
Reference r1 = _dimension.References.get_Item(0);
XYZ direction = (_dimension.Curve as Line).Direction;
XYZ hatchDirection = direction.CrossProduct(face.FaceNormal).Normalize();
XYZ origin = _dimension.Origin.Subtract(direction.Multiply((double)_dimension.Value / 2));
res.Add(new Tuple<int, Reference, XYZ, XYZ>(hatchindex, r1, origin, hatchDirection));
return res;
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