Can't select linked elements not found in central model


Can't select linked elements not found in central model


Thank you in an advance for your time. I am able to select all elements in all links that are not workshared, or all links that are central models or have been fully reloaded from the central model, or models that have been detached from central. My issue here today is that if there is a new element in a linked project that has not been reloaded from its central model, the object cannot be selected. Even if you synchronize that new element up to the central model, the non-central model will still have the problem until you reload the same new element from central. When I detach the model from central, preserving the worksets, the clamp can be selected as expected.


The attached image shows how the new clamp is ignored in a rectangle selection during PickObjects(ObjectType.LinkedElement, "Select elements"). Revit Lookup's "Snoop Linked Element" cannot select this element either. The only way to select it is in the Revit UI when no command is active, and using the Tab key to select the linked element.


Is this supposed to be this way? Is there a workaround? Shouldn't I be able to select the element that exists in that non-central model, detached or not?

2 Replies
Replies (2)


So to clarify you are saying that you are linking the local file into another host file and can't select an element in that linked local in the host until elsewhere (in the local file) a call has been made to reload latest?


If my understanding is correct, then why would you be linking the local file rather than the central file? This seems like a non-standard thing to do since the local isn't going to be up to date with what all the other users are synchronising into the central.


I don't know the reason, if the behaviour isn't the same in the UI then it points to an issue perhaps. It may be the case that the UI is doing an extra task to ensure all the links are up to date when loaded or it could just be a limitation of how the API deals with selection in links.


So it sounds peculiar and I await more insight from those that know more about why this could be occurring. However, linking a local file serves no purpose that linking it's central doesn't serve.


Yes, you got it right. I thought I was over-explaining but if I need to go into more detail, let me know.

It's possible the user wants to be able to use this program when they are offline and can't synchronize with central. If they're offline, they also cannot link the central model. I understand it is "non-standard" to do this, I'm just here looking for a solution that works with the crazy things users might do.