When creating dimensions from columns or large pieces of equipment often we need to dimension to the centerline. It would be nice if we are able to dimension directly from the center line like we are able to dimension from a pipe currently. Currently we have to create a dimension from the face of equipment to opposite side of the equipment. Then we need to do a dimension from the flange of a column to the opposite flange. We can then assume the centerline of each. Finally we can take the calculated centerlines and add those values to the final dimension from flange of column to face of the equipment. To check true alignment of equipment you need to check centerline against multiple columns so you could go through creating 18-24 dimensions when you really only need to do 6-8.
Hopefully you can follow the jumbled mess but I attached a picture to help. Also can we finally fix the rounding of dimensions? You can see in the image that 4/8" is showing rather than 1/2". Our engineers love to poke fun at that one for the past 2 years.