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Merging Projects

Merging Projects

It would be extremely useful if, when importing one project into another, the registration of the imported project remained intact, complete with target information. This would allow us to register a large project in smaller chunks before assembling the pieces to make the final model.


agree this would be fantastic.

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I totally agree.  A workaround I have found is export the separate projects as E57 files 'Complete' not '3d-only' then import the exported E57 files and bypass the registration.  It works great.  If this could happen in the background that would be fine.  It did not take too long.  I had 5 separate sets of scans as project files from a Faro Scanner.  The sets/projects ranged from 10-15 scans each.  I exported them to e57 files (picking the (complete) option - Important or you will probably not get the mirror balls in the final resulting project.  Then I imported all of the e57 files in a new project.  It worked great!



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Thanks everyone who has supported this idea.  Thanks too for the tips. Man Happy


We will try that tip, we often want to put a number of clusters together and then carve the combined scan into appropriate chunks for delivery.


This would help set Recap apart from Cyclone, and many other registration software.  Would be great if an entire staff could register the same project simultaneously. 

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I like this idea.  Stephen's workaround is what I use in these situations.  I just posted a request 

Re-index a project or "save-as" re-indexed projec - asking for a method to re-index a project or to save-as a version that would re-index saving the registration, and any survey control info, to each scan.  Large groups of scans take a long time to export and re-import, not to mention the disk space required.

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I second that, I have now resubmitted the same project 4 times, trying to scan an windmill, recap does 2/8 of the mill correct then regardless on how I try to do the rest (new photos when the sun is different, editing the photos etc) the results are still the same.
If I could splitt the project in several parts that then are merged then I would take one part of the mill at the time and fiddle with that until its ok.

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