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I've also requested this in the past. It would save a lot of time and effort as we could simply import all scans over night. We regularly work on large buildings and it is easier to split each floor level into a different project so rather than having to work on 1 project at a time we could work on all floor levels as groups then save them out as projects individually rather than either deleting them from the project or combining them with other groups.
Also, If you initially believe it is possible to attach certain scans, yet they get sent to a different group, you have to remove all scans from 2nd group, create a new project, re-import them, re-register them etc.
This feels kind of unacceptable especially since you can't just copy your project folder and clean stuff manually to skip re-import, since the paths are relative, you absolutely need to save as... elsewhere and this is very long too.
You guys need to hire workflow specialists or something lol
+1 It would be helpful to be able to export/import registration groups to projects, we recently hired a lidar scanner, and have spent the best part of a day looking for a solution to this problem, to reassemble a multi-floor ski resort complex scanned on different days...