I think that it would be great if ReCap (or Navisworks) would give support to VR devices like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung VR or similar.
Nowadays the only way to navigate in VR mode over a pointcloud are limited to developer apps and frameworks like Unreal, and it is not so easy.
Pointclouds are the most real approach to the reality, better than only VR or AR.
VR (virtual reality) simulates the reality, but is not "real". The surrounding objects are all "virtual" not real.
AR (augmented reality) captures the "real" world with a camera and show VR overlayed, but in real time. You need to be "in place".
An app like ReCap could offer a mixed solution: we would see the captured reality with high level of fidelity, totally off-line, no need to be on site, and "new" or "virtual" objects overlayed.
Augusto Mora
Architect & teacher of Building Projects at CPIFP Pirámide. Huesca (Spain).
Revit 2014 certified profesional.