AutoCAD 2021 is now available for customers.
I searched ObjectARX 2021 on ADN web site but it is not available.
Has someone information about its release date?
Thanks & cheers.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by moogalm. Go to Solution.
This page: https://www.autodesk.com/developer-network/platform-technologies/autocad/objectarx-license-download
But although written about ObjectARX SDK 2021:
ObjectARX SDK 2021 is not yet:
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I don't see it either. My guess is with everything going on they don't have it ready yet but since I believe they probably use the ObjectARX toolkit to compile some of their same apps hopefully it will appear soon.
Sorry guys! for the delay, I'm checking with Engineering team.
Will keep you posted.
Hope you all guys safe and well 🙂
but objectarx 2021 always UNAVAILABLE ! on this site :
@sizy458 wrote:
but objectarx 2021 always UNAVAILABLE !
Now ObjectARX SDK 2021 is available inly for ADN members. Hope day or two and it will be available for everyone.
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Alexander Rivilis / Александр Ривилис / Олександр Рівіліс
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Hi Guys,
It is available now, thanks for your patience.
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