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Debugging Autocad 2016 in VS2012

Message 1 of 4
713 Views, 3 Replies

Debugging Autocad 2016 in VS2012

Dear all


I am stepping into debugging my api, and i have problems with some execptions. How can i fix it?


Thank you in advance


My project 

  • C++
  • Build fine with solution platforms x64
  • Net Framework is set to 4.5 but that information doesn't appears in my project file.
  • I had installed windows kits 8.1 and 10 with gflags but don't know how to use it properly;




  • Using " Start debugging command "
  • Autocad 2016 takes more than 10 mins to start;
  • As a result of that i can't use my custom command


Debugging config : 


  • Just my code;
  • Symbols are loaded from //symbols.autodesk.com/symbols
  • Others symbols are loaded from my pdb file
  • Edit and continue
Message 2 of 4
in reply to: nggarnaud

Do you see these problems only when debugging?

So, when you start AutoCAD normally and ARXLOAD your app everything works?

In this case I would try a repair installation of VisualStudio. Are you using VS2012 with Update 4?

Or did you activate too many exceptions (Debug->Windows->Exceptions)? Reset them to default.


Otherwise: Could it be that your AutoCAD user profile es broken? Try to start acad.exe with the parameter /p myProfile. This will create a new profile named "myProfile".


Does debugging work when you compile one of the ARX samples?


Thomas Brammer ● Software Developer ● imos AGLinkedIn
If an answer solves your problem please [ACCEPT SOLUTION]. Otherwise explain why not.

Message 3 of 4
in reply to: tbrammer

Vs2012 with upadate 4Vs2012 with upadate 4


Hello sir,


Scenario 1: When i load manually my api in autocad 2016, things works well. But the problem happens when i use my arx command. This force Autocad 2016 to start debugging. 


Scenario 2: When i start debugginh in vs 2012, i builds fine. But Autocad takes longer to starts. That didn't allow me to use arx and appload commands ( last week).


I had reinstalled autocad 2016 last weekend, and now i am repairing vs2012.I will also follow your new suggestions and let you know how its goes.



Message 4 of 4
in reply to: nggarnaud

Hello everyone


I followed your instruction. Things are working well when i build, load and run a traits.arx in AutoCAD 2016. But it doesn't work with my API.


  • Repaire VS2012
  • Reinstalled AutoCAD 2016 and created a proflie ;
  • Build, load nad run traits.arx = Success, but failed with my api;

 Should i use the same settings that was used for Samples\Graphics\Traits.sln?


My project was created using the instructions in Sparring with Autodesk® ObjectARX®—Round 2 Stepping into the Ring Lee Ambrosius\ Create a project from scratch, because unble to create a new project using Autodesk template.


Please Helppppp!!!!

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