I am checking to see if anyone knows how to select an autocad block based on it's handle directly vs. looping thru all the blocks in the Block table record?
Currently, in the code below, it loops thru all the blocks in the drawing until it finds the specific one I need. i was wondering if anyone had a more direct path.
Handles are stored in an excel file created in a previous extraction.
Please let me know.
Using mytrans As Transaction = mytransMan.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Dim mybt As BlockTable = mytrans.GetObject(mytransMan.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) Dim modelBtr As BlockTableRecord = mytrans.GetObject(mybt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForRead) Dim BlockCounter As Integer = 0 Do While CurRow <> LastRow + 1 Block_Updated = False For Each myObjID As ObjectId In modelBtr If myObjID.ObjectClass.Name = "AcDbBlockReference" Then myBlockRef = myObjID.GetObject(DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead) If myBlockRef.Handle.Value = GetExcelValue(myXLWS.Cells(CurRow, 18)) Then If GetExcelValue(myXLWS.Cells(CurRow, 2)) <> Class1_Obj.ReadAttributeValue(myObjID, "CID") Then Class1_Obj.Setattributes(myObjID, "CID", GetExcelValue(myXLWS.Cells(CurRow, 2))) End If Block_Updated = True End If End If Next If Block_Updated = False Then MsgBox("CID " & GetExcelValue(myXLWS.Cells(CurRow, 2)) & " is not in Drawing. BOM Will Be Updated") BOM_Regen = True End If CurRow = CurRow + 1 BlockCounter = BlockCounter + 1 ProgressBar1.Value = BlockCounter Loop
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by _gile. Go to Solution.
You can use the Database.GetObjectId() method, or better, the undocumented one: TryGetObjectId().
If the handle is stored as an hexadecimal string
if (db.TryGetObjectId(new Handle(Convert.ToInt64(someHandleString, 16)), out ObjectId id)) // do what you need with id else // the handle does not exist
If the handle is sored as a long (Int64)
if (db.TryGetObjectId(new Handle(someHandleValue), out ObjectId id)) // do what you need with id else // the handle does not exist
It should be something like this with VB:
Dim handle As Handle = New Handle(485) ' or: New Handle(Convert.ToInt64("1E5", 16)) Dim id As ObjectId = ObjectId.Null If db.TryGetObjectId(handle, id) Then ' do what you need with id Else ' the handle does not exist End if
@conveyor1 wrote:
Just check, but what is "db" again?
Just trying to figure out where to put it in the code.
It is look like in your code db is equal mytransMan
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Alexander Rivilis / Александр Ривилис / Олександр Рівіліс
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As said upper, GetobjectId() and TryGetObjectId() methods are instance methodes of the Database class, so 'db' should be the Database the handle belongs to.
As @Alexander.Rivilis said, 'mytransMan in your code.
Maybe this little example is more self explanatory.
[CommandMethod("TESTHANDLE")] public static void TestHandle() { var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; var db = doc.Database; var ed = doc.Editor; var pr = ed.GetString("\nHandle: "); if (pr.Status == PromptStatus.OK) { if (long.TryParse(pr.StringResult, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out long result)) { var handle = new Handle(Convert.ToInt64(pr.StringResult, 16)); if (db.TryGetObjectId(handle, out ObjectId id)) Application.ShowAlertDialog(id.ObjectClass.Name); else Application.ShowAlertDialog("Invalid Handle"); } else { Application.ShowAlertDialog("Invalid hexadecimal format"); } } }
<CommandMethod("TESTHANDLE")> Public Shared Sub TestHandle() Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim promptResult As PromptResult = ed.GetString(vbCr & "Enter Handle: ") If promptResult.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then Dim handleNumber As Long If Long.TryParse(promptResult.StringResult, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, handleNumber) Then Dim handle As Handle = New Handle(handleNumber) Dim id As ObjectId If db.TryGetObjectId(handle, id) Then Application.ShowAlertDialog(id.ObjectClass.Name) Else Application.ShowAlertDialog("Invalid Handle") End If Else Application.ShowAlertDialog("Invalid hexadecimal number") End If End If End Sub
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