Hi ,guys!
I wanted the text to always be horizontal, so I added the horizontal constraint, but it didn't work when I used code to insert the dynamic block which from another DWG. I don't quite understand what went wrong.
Any help will be appreciated!!
The following is my block and code.
Public Shared Sub addCutSymbol()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
Dim GlobalSet As GlobalSettingClass = GlobalSettingClass.GetSetting
Using trans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
BlockTools.ImportBlocksFromDwg(db, AcadTablesDwgPath, "Cut")
Dim bt As BlockTable = CType(trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt("Cut"), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
Dim targetBr As BlockReference = New BlockReference(Point3d.Origin, btr.ObjectId)
Dim sPoint As Point3d
Dim ePoint As Point3d
Dim angle As Double
Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的起点:")
If ppr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
sPoint = ppr.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ppr2 As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的终点:")
If ppr2.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
ePoint = ppr2.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("请输入剖切符号:")
pso.DefaultValue = "A"
pso.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim ppr3 As PromptResult = ed.GetString(pso)
If ppr3.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pao As PromptAngleOptions = New PromptAngleOptions("请输入旋转角度:")
pao.DefaultValue = 0
pao.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim par As PromptDoubleResult = ed.GetAngle(pao)
If par.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
angle = par.value
Exit Sub
End If
targetBr.Scale(targetBr.Position, GlobalSet.ScaleValue)
Dim modelspace As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(targetBr, True)
targetBr.Position = GeTools.MidPoint(sPoint, ePoint)
Dim pc As DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection = targetBr.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection
For Each prop As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty In pc
If prop.PropertyName = "A" Then
prop.Value = angle
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP X" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP Y" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down X" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down Y" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
Dim Dic As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim ac As AttributeCollection = targetBr.AttributeCollection
For Each aa In ac
Dim attRef As AttributeReference = CType(trans.GetObject(aa, OpenMode.ForRead), AttributeReference)
Dic(attRef.Tag.ToUpper) = attRef.TextString
Dim Dic2 As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{"NAME-UP", ppr3.StringResult}, {"NAME-DOWN", ppr3.StringResult}}
BlockTools.UpdateAttributesInBlock(targetBr.ObjectId, Dic2)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by SRSDS. Go to Solution.
Solved by norman.yuan. Go to Solution.
This is what I did with the finished block
This is what happens when I insert a block of code,the text is not horizontal.
Firstly, following code does nothing:
... ...
Dim Dic As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim ac As AttributeCollection = targetBr.AttributeCollection
For Each aa In ac
Dim attRef As AttributeReference = CType(trans.GetObject(aa, OpenMode.ForRead), AttributeReference)
Dic(attRef.Tag.ToUpper) = attRef.TextString
... ...
because you have not added any attribute to the block reference.
Secondly, it seems to me that you did not show all code that is likely doing something affecting the block reference's attributes, especially the 2 lines of code near the end:
... ...
BlockTools.UpdateAttributesInBlock(targetBr.ObjectId, Dic2)
... ...
If these 2 lines do what their method names imply, then it seems you only added attribute references to the block reference after the block reference's dynamic properties are set (which would effectively changed the block reference's definition to an annonymous BlockTableRecord, not the original BlockTableRecord that is used to create the block reference). Since you did not show the code in these 2 methods, I cannot say whether they do things correctly or not for this particular case. But you should, as the other reply from @SRSDS suggested, add attribute references to the block reference first and then set the dynamic properties, considering the dynamic properties are mainly for controlling how the attributes shows in the block reference.
Norman Yuan
I have changed the attributes before modifying block properties, but it didn't seem to work....Here's the code after I changed it,maybe I got something wrong..
Public Shared Sub addCutSymbol()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
Dim GlobalSet As GlobalSettingClass = GlobalSettingClass.GetSetting
Using trans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
BlockTools.ImportBlocksFromDwg(db, AcadTablesDwgPath, "Cut")
Dim bt As BlockTable = CType(trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt("Cut"), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
Dim targetBr As BlockReference = New BlockReference(Point3d.Origin, btr.ObjectId)
Dim sPoint As Point3d
Dim ePoint As Point3d
Dim angle As Double
Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的起点:")
If ppr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
sPoint = ppr.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ppr2 As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的终点:")
If ppr2.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
ePoint = ppr2.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("请输入剖切符号:")
pso.DefaultValue = "A"
pso.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim ppr3 As PromptResult = ed.GetString(pso)
If ppr3.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pao As PromptAngleOptions = New PromptAngleOptions("请输入旋转角度:")
pao.DefaultValue = 0
pao.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim par As PromptDoubleResult = ed.GetAngle(pao)
If par.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
angle = par.value
Exit Sub
End If
targetBr.Scale(targetBr.Position, GlobalSet.ScaleValue)
targetBr.Position = GeTools.MidPoint(sPoint, ePoint)
Dim Dic2 As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{"NAME-UP", ppr3.StringResult}, {"NAME-DOWN", ppr3.StringResult}}
BlockTools.UpdateAttributesInBlock(targetBr, Dic2)
Dim modelspace As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(targetBr, True)
Dim pc As DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection = targetBr.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection
For Each prop As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty In pc
If prop.PropertyName = "A" Then
prop.Value = angle
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP X" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP Y" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down X" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down Y" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I hadn't realized that this code was useless, thanks for reminding me!!I have changed the attributes before modifying block properties, but it didn't seem to work....maybe I got something wrong...
the code after for the other two methods
Public Shared Sub addCutSymbol()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
Dim GlobalSet As GlobalSettingClass = GlobalSettingClass.GetSetting
Using trans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
BlockTools.ImportBlocksFromDwg(db, AcadTablesDwgPath, "Cut")
Dim bt As BlockTable = CType(trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt("Cut"), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
Dim targetBr As BlockReference = New BlockReference(Point3d.Origin, btr.ObjectId)
Dim sPoint As Point3d
Dim ePoint As Point3d
Dim angle As Double
Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的起点:")
If ppr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
sPoint = ppr.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ppr2 As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的终点:")
If ppr2.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
ePoint = ppr2.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("请输入剖切符号:")
pso.DefaultValue = "A"
pso.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim ppr3 As PromptResult = ed.GetString(pso)
If ppr3.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pao As PromptAngleOptions = New PromptAngleOptions("请输入旋转角度:")
pao.DefaultValue = 0
pao.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim par As PromptDoubleResult = ed.GetAngle(pao)
If par.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
angle = par.value
Exit Sub
End If
targetBr.Scale(targetBr.Position, GlobalSet.ScaleValue)
targetBr.Position = GeTools.MidPoint(sPoint, ePoint)
Dim Dic2 As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{"NAME-UP", ppr3.StringResult}, {"NAME-DOWN", ppr3.StringResult}}
BlockTools.UpdateAttributesInBlock(targetBr, Dic2)
Dim modelspace As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(targetBr, True)
Dim pc As DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection = targetBr.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection
For Each prop As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty In pc
If prop.PropertyName = "A" Then
prop.Value = angle
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP X" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP Y" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down X" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down Y" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
public static void UpdateAttributesInBlock(BlockReference blockRef, Dictionary<string, string> attNameValues)
// BlockReference blockRef = blockRefId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockReference;
if (blockRef != null)
foreach (ObjectId id in blockRef.AttributeCollection)
AttributeReference attref = id.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as AttributeReference;
if (attNameValues.ContainsKey(attref.Tag.ToUpper()))
attref.TextString = attNameValues[attref.Tag.ToUpper()].ToString();
catch (Exception)
public static class ExtensionMethods
static RXClass attDefClass = RXClass.GetClass(typeof(AttributeDefinition));
/// <summary>
/// 更新块
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target"></param>
public static void SynchronizeAttributes(this BlockTableRecord target)
if (target == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
Transaction tr = target.Database.TransactionManager.TopTransaction;
if (tr == null)
throw new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception(ErrorStatus.NoActiveTransactions);
List<AttributeDefinition> attDefs = target.GetAttributes(tr);
foreach (ObjectId id in target.GetBlockReferenceIds(true, false))
BlockReference br = (BlockReference)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite);
br.ResetAttributes(attDefs, tr);
if (target.IsDynamicBlock)
foreach (ObjectId id in target.GetAnonymousBlockIds())
BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead);
attDefs = btr.GetAttributes(tr);
foreach (ObjectId brId in btr.GetBlockReferenceIds(true, false))
BlockReference br = (BlockReference)tr.GetObject(brId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
br.ResetAttributes(attDefs, tr);
private static List<AttributeDefinition> GetAttributes(this BlockTableRecord target, Transaction tr)
List<AttributeDefinition> attDefs = new List<AttributeDefinition>();
foreach (ObjectId id in target)
if (id.ObjectClass == attDefClass)
AttributeDefinition attDef = (AttributeDefinition)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead);
return attDefs;
private static void ResetAttributes(this BlockReference br, List<AttributeDefinition> attDefs, Transaction tr)
List<AttributeDefinition> defsCopy = new List<AttributeDefinition>(attDefs);
Dictionary<string, string> attValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (ObjectId id in br.AttributeCollection)
if (!id.IsErased)
AttributeReference attRef = (AttributeReference)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite);
AttributeDefinition attDef = attDefs.Find(x => x.Tag == attRef.Tag);
if (attDef == null)
String attText = attRef.IsMTextAttribute ? attRef.MTextAttribute.Contents : attRef.TextString;
attRef.SetAttributeFromBlock(attDef, br.BlockTransform);
attRef.TextString = attText;
foreach (AttributeDefinition attDef in defsCopy)
AttributeReference attRef = new AttributeReference();
attRef.SetAttributeFromBlock(attDef, br.BlockTransform);
if (attDef.Constant)
attRef.TextString = attDef.IsMTextAttributeDefinition ? attDef.MTextAttributeDefinition.Contents : attDef.TextString;
else if (attValues != null && attValues.ContainsKey(attDef.Tag))
attRef.TextString = attValues[attDef.Tag.ToUpper()];
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(attRef, true);
Why do you need to call the SynchronizeAttributes() extension method after you set the attributes and dynamic properties of the newly inserted block reference? This call simply reset attributes and dynamic properties back of all related block references, which effectively makes the dynamic properties you just set in the newly create block reference go back to their original status.
You can try to remove
from the code to see what happens.
Norman Yuan
btr.SynchronizeAttributes like “attsync”~
When I remove this code,attribute is not displayed😭
Like this..
Could it be that because of those code
BlockTools.ImportBlocksFromDwg(db, AcadTablesDwgPath, "Cut")
Dim bt As BlockTable = CType(trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt("Cut"), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
Dim targetBr As BlockReference = New BlockReference(Point3d.Origin, btr.ObjectId)
he has redefined my block, so my constraint doesn't exist, even though it still exists....😞
OK, I did not look into the method UpdateAttributesInBlock() and assumed you coded it correctly. But, no, that method does not do things correctly. That is, that method would only be useful if the AttributeReferences have been created and appended to the block rerference's AttributeCollection. So, you EITHER add the attributereferences to the blockreference prior to calling UpdateAttributesInBlock(), OR, you do it inside the method. The bottomline is: your code did not create AttributeReference at all, thus you do not see them after your code runs. Again, you do not need "ATTSYNC" type of operation in this case.
Norman Yuan
I've tried to insert attributeReference into my code, but it seems to cause some exceptions... Is there something wrong with what I wrote...😭😭I tried many methods but none of them worked..😭
Public Shared Sub addCutSymbol()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
Dim GlobalSet As GlobalSettingClass = GlobalSettingClass.GetSetting
Using trans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
BlockTools.ImportBlocksFromDwg(db, AcadTablesDwgPath, "Cut")
Dim bt As BlockTable = CType(trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt("Cut"), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
Dim targetBr As BlockReference = New BlockReference(Point3d.Origin, btr.ObjectId)
Dim sPoint As Point3d
Dim ePoint As Point3d
Dim angle As Double
Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的起点:")
If ppr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
sPoint = ppr.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ppr2 As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的终点:")
If ppr2.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
ePoint = ppr2.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("请输入剖切符号:")
pso.DefaultValue = "A"
pso.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim ppr3 As PromptResult = ed.GetString(pso)
If ppr3.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pao As PromptAngleOptions = New PromptAngleOptions("请输入旋转角度:")
pao.DefaultValue = 0
pao.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim par As PromptDoubleResult = ed.GetAngle(pao)
If par.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
angle = par.value
Exit Sub
End If
targetBr.Scale(targetBr.Position, GlobalSet.ScaleValue)
targetBr.Position = GeTools.MidPoint(sPoint, ePoint)
'If btr.HasAttributeDefinitions Then
'For Each aa As ObjectId In btr
'Dim attDef As AttributeDefinition = CType(aa.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite), AttributeDefinition)
Dim attref As AttributeReference = New AttributeReference
attref.Tag = "NAME-UP"
attref.TextString = ppr3.StringResult
'attref.Tag = "NAME-DOWN"
'attref.TextString = ppr3.StringResult
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(attref, True)
'End If
'For Each aa In btr
'Dim attDef As AttributeDefinition = CType(aa.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite), AttributeDefinition)
'attref.SetAttributeFromBlock(attDef, targetBr.BlockTransform)
'attref.TextString = attDef.TextString
Dim modelspace As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(targetBr, True)
Dim pc As DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection = targetBr.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection
For Each prop As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty In pc
If prop.PropertyName = "A" Then
prop.Value = angle
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP X" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP Y" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down X" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down Y" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
It is obvious to me your code does not add AttributeReference correctly: a), you only added one attribute, while you should have added two; 2). you did not create AttributeReference based on the AttributeDefinition in the block definition (technically you can do that, but you should not, in this case); 3) the new AttributeReference you added has not TextHeight set (in case if the current TextStyle does not have its TextHeight set), so the new attribute could be 0 in height, then you may not be able to see it.
I do see you commented out a few lines of code that would be actually correct ones for adding AttributeReference. So, I roughly put them here:
targetBr.Scale(targetBr.Position, GlobalSet.ScaleValue)
targetBr.Position = GeTools.MidPoint(sPoint, ePoint)
'If btr.HasAttributeDefinitions Then
For Each aa As ObjectId In btr
Dim attDef As AttributeDefinition = TryCast(aa.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite), AttributeDefinition)
If attDef IsNot Nothing Then
Dim attref As AttributeReference = New AttributeReference
attref.SetAttributeFromBlock(attDef, targetBr.BlockTransform)
If attref.Tag = "NAME-UP" Or attRef.Tag = "NAME_DOWN" Then
attref.TextString = ppr3.StringResult
End If
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(attref, True)
End If
Norman Yuan
Sorry to get back to you now because I went to the hospital yesterday..
Thank you so much for your help!!!!Attribute is displayed!!
I put these code here,because cad reported anerror"eNoDatabase"~
The following is my complete code~
However ,he problem of constraints is not solved...I think it's something wrong with AutoCAD...
Public Shared Sub addCutSymbol()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
Dim GlobalSet As GlobalSettingClass = GlobalSettingClass.GetSetting
Using trans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
BlockTools.ImportBlocksFromDwg(db, AcadTablesDwgPath, "Cut")
Dim bt As BlockTable = CType(trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt("Cut"), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
Dim targetBr As BlockReference = New BlockReference(Point3d.Origin, btr.ObjectId)
Dim sPoint As Point3d
Dim ePoint As Point3d
Dim angle As Double
Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的起点:")
If ppr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
sPoint = ppr.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ppr2 As PromptPointResult = ed.GetPoint("请选择剖切符号的终点:")
If ppr2.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
ePoint = ppr2.Value
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("请输入剖切符号:")
pso.DefaultValue = "A"
pso.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim ppr3 As PromptResult = ed.GetString(pso)
If ppr3.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim pao As PromptAngleOptions = New PromptAngleOptions("请输入旋转角度:")
pao.DefaultValue = 0
pao.UseDefaultValue = True
Dim par As PromptDoubleResult = ed.GetAngle(pao)
If par.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
angle = par.value
Exit Sub
End If
targetBr.Scale(targetBr.Position, GlobalSet.ScaleValue)
targetBr.Position = GeTools.MidPoint(sPoint, ePoint)
Dim modelspace As BlockTableRecord = CType(trans.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(targetBr, True)
If btr.HasAttributeDefinitions Then
For Each aa As ObjectId In btr
Dim attDef As AttributeDefinition = TryCast(aa.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite), AttributeDefinition)
If attDef IsNot Nothing Then
Dim attref As AttributeReference = New AttributeReference
attref.SetAttributeFromBlock(attDef, targetBr.BlockTransform)
If attref.Tag = "NAME-UP" Or attref.Tag = "NAME-DOWN" Then
attref.TextString = ppr3.StringResult
End If
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(attref, True)
End If
End If
Dim pc As DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection = targetBr.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection
For Each prop As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty In pc
If prop.PropertyName = "A" Then
prop.Value = angle
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP X" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "UP Y" Then
prop.Value = sPoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down X" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.X - targetBr.Position.X
End If
If prop.PropertyName = "Down Y" Then
prop.Value = ePoint.Y - targetBr.Position.Y
End If
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Your angle input might be wrong. Not converting degrees to radians? A redundant input if you already have two points
angle = sPoint.GetVectorTo(ePoint).GetAngleTo(Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis.Negate()) + Math.PI / 2
If angle > 2 * Math.PI Then angle -= 2 * Math.PI.
I still found the text is inverted in some cases. You might need to swap SPoint and EPoint to fix that.
Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!
I had a busy weekend and I'm sorry I didn't respond to your messages in time.😭
Dynamic Blocks I still have a lot to learn!!😀
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