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Faceting factor partly not working

Message 1 of 3
72 Views, 2 Replies

Faceting factor partly not working

Hi There

We got a strange problem. When open (import) a 3D-DWG file in Navisworks, some shapes (holes or cylinders) seems not be affected by the faceting settings, just beeing always annoying "unsmooth".


We tried different settings for the faceting factor (from 0 to 24, metric system) and faceting deviation (from 0 to 0.1), always made sure to delete NWC-file before reopen the DWG. We also tried the NWCOUT option (with the same varying values) in Autocad (instead of importing the DWG to Navis), with the exact same result.


The problem seem to exist for DWGs with pure ACAD-3D objects as well as for 3D-Plant drawings. Mainly elbows are affected, but also screw holes or other objects seem to be "choosen" randomly.


Is there a possibility to overcome this problem?

Thanks in advance for any reply

Message 2 of 3

It could be you need to install an AutoCAD Plant 3D Object Enabler (OE) to enable correct display and allow the property data to be viewed in Navisworks.


See this link: 


Or you might need to install the Navisworks NWC Export Utility: 


Message 3 of 3

Thanks for your reply

Object Enabler and Navisworks Export Utility are both installed. While the problem obvously often shows up in relation to Plant 3D (a bunch of related posts in different forums can be found), it also exists with pure Autocad generated 3D-objects (see above). I personally believe there is a basic problem with the way, Navisworks imports/translates DWG-files or generally 3D-objects into the mesh-type objects Navisworks is using internally....just a guess.


I have to add:

When using a appropriate faceting factor, the faces may look smooth, but for the edges the problem persists. Thats maybe the core of the question:



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