Got it, slightly different but related use case 😉
On the Guid topic specifically, for those in Autodesk Engineering team who think this does not really matters, below GuidToString methods in .NET, now dare to tell me this does not make any significant performance difference vs just max 3 CPU instructions 🤣:
/// <summary>Returns a string representation of the value of this instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> class, according to the provided format specifier and culture-specific format information.</summary>
/// <param name="format">A single format specifier that indicates how to format the value of this <see cref="T:System.Guid" />. The <paramref name="format" /> parameter can be "N", "D", "B", "P", or "X". If <paramref name="format" /> is <see langword="null" /> or an empty string (""), "D" is used.</param>
/// <param name="provider">(Reserved) An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
/// <returns>The value of this <see cref="T:System.Guid" />, represented as a series of lowercase hexadecimal digits in the specified format.</returns>
/// <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of <paramref name="format" /> is not <see langword="null" />, an empty string (""), "N", "D", "B", "P", or "X".</exception>
public unsafe string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
switch (format)
case "":
case null:
format = "D";
int offset1 = 0;
bool flag1 = true;
bool flag2 = false;
if (format.Length != 1)
throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidGuidFormatSpecification"));
string str1;
switch (format[0])
case 'B':
case 'b':
str1 = string.FastAllocateString(38);
string str2 = str1;
char* chPtr1 = (char*) str2;
if ((IntPtr) chPtr1 != IntPtr.Zero)
chPtr1 += RuntimeHelpers.OffsetToStringData;
chPtr1[offset1++] = '{';
chPtr1[37] = '}';
str2 = (string) null;
case 'D':
case 'd':
str1 = string.FastAllocateString(36);
case 'N':
case 'n':
str1 = string.FastAllocateString(32);
flag1 = false;
case 'P':
case 'p':
str1 = string.FastAllocateString(38);
string str3 = str1;
char* chPtr2 = (char*) str3;
if ((IntPtr) chPtr2 != IntPtr.Zero)
chPtr2 += RuntimeHelpers.OffsetToStringData;
chPtr2[offset1++] = '(';
chPtr2[37] = ')';
str3 = (string) null;
case 'X':
case 'x':
str1 = string.FastAllocateString(68);
string str4 = str1;
char* chPtr3 = (char*) str4;
if ((IntPtr) chPtr3 != IntPtr.Zero)
chPtr3 += RuntimeHelpers.OffsetToStringData;
chPtr3[offset1++] = '{';
chPtr3[67] = '}';
str4 = (string) null;
flag1 = false;
flag2 = true;
throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidGuidFormatSpecification"));
string str5 = str1;
char* guidChars = (char*) str5;
if ((IntPtr) guidChars != IntPtr.Zero)
guidChars += RuntimeHelpers.OffsetToStringData;
int num1;
if (flag2)
char* chPtr4 = guidChars;
int num2 = offset1;
int num3 = num2 + 1;
IntPtr num4 = (IntPtr) num2 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr4 + num4) = (short) 48;
char* chPtr5 = guidChars;
int num5 = num3;
int offset2 = num5 + 1;
IntPtr num6 = (IntPtr) num5 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr5 + num6) = (short) 120;
int chars1 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset2, this._a >> 24, this._a >> 16);
int chars2 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars1, this._a >> 8, this._a);
char* chPtr6 = guidChars;
int num7 = chars2;
int num8 = num7 + 1;
IntPtr num9 = (IntPtr) num7 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr6 + num9) = (short) 44;
char* chPtr7 = guidChars;
int num10 = num8;
int num11 = num10 + 1;
IntPtr num12 = (IntPtr) num10 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr7 + num12) = (short) 48;
char* chPtr8 = guidChars;
int num13 = num11;
int offset3 = num13 + 1;
IntPtr num14 = (IntPtr) num13 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr8 + num14) = (short) 120;
int chars3 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset3, (int) this._b >> 8, (int) this._b);
char* chPtr9 = guidChars;
int num15 = chars3;
int num16 = num15 + 1;
IntPtr num17 = (IntPtr) num15 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr9 + num17) = (short) 44;
char* chPtr10 = guidChars;
int num18 = num16;
int num19 = num18 + 1;
IntPtr num20 = (IntPtr) num18 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr10 + num20) = (short) 48;
char* chPtr11 = guidChars;
int num21 = num19;
int offset4 = num21 + 1;
IntPtr num22 = (IntPtr) num21 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr11 + num22) = (short) 120;
int chars4 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset4, (int) this._c >> 8, (int) this._c);
char* chPtr12 = guidChars;
int num23 = chars4;
int num24 = num23 + 1;
IntPtr num25 = (IntPtr) num23 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr12 + num25) = (short) 44;
char* chPtr13 = guidChars;
int num26 = num24;
int offset5 = num26 + 1;
IntPtr num27 = (IntPtr) num26 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr13 + num27) = (short) 123;
int chars5 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset5, (int) this._d, (int) this._e, true);
char* chPtr14 = guidChars;
int num28 = chars5;
int offset6 = num28 + 1;
IntPtr num29 = (IntPtr) num28 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr14 + num29) = (short) 44;
int chars6 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset6, (int) this._f, (int) this._g, true);
char* chPtr15 = guidChars;
int num30 = chars6;
int offset7 = num30 + 1;
IntPtr num31 = (IntPtr) num30 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr15 + num31) = (short) 44;
int chars7 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset7, (int) this._h, (int) this._i, true);
char* chPtr16 = guidChars;
int num32 = chars7;
int offset8 = num32 + 1;
IntPtr num33 = (IntPtr) num32 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr16 + num33) = (short) 44;
int chars8 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset8, (int) this._j, (int) this._k, true);
char* chPtr17 = guidChars;
int num34 = chars8;
num1 = num34 + 1;
IntPtr num35 = (IntPtr) num34 * 2;
*(short*) ((IntPtr) chPtr17 + num35) = (short) 125;
int chars1 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, offset1, this._a >> 24, this._a >> 16);
int chars2 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars1, this._a >> 8, this._a);
if (flag1)
guidChars[chars2++] = '-';
int chars3 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars2, (int) this._b >> 8, (int) this._b);
if (flag1)
guidChars[chars3++] = '-';
int chars4 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars3, (int) this._c >> 8, (int) this._c);
if (flag1)
guidChars[chars4++] = '-';
int chars5 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars4, (int) this._d, (int) this._e);
if (flag1)
guidChars[chars5++] = '-';
int chars6 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars5, (int) this._f, (int) this._g);
int chars7 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars6, (int) this._h, (int) this._i);
num1 = Guid.HexsToChars(guidChars, chars7, (int) this._j, (int) this._k);
str5 = (string) null;
return str1;