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FBX import does not have visible bones


FBX import does not have visible bones

Not applicable

Hello, first time poster here!


I'm importing FBX animations into Motionbuilder for retargeting and have run into a weird issue with certain FBX files: I'm noticing on some of these the bones are not properly showing and It's making it very difficult for me to characterize them.


Normally the FBX files I import have visible bones that I can move and set the character into T-pose. Is there some way to make the bones visible? Also is there a faster way to do re-targeting or do I have to manually assign the T-pose every time? I am a noob with this software so any advice will be appreciated.



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For the visibility you have access to Visibility and Show params in your properties panel. Visibility is at the top and Show is inside Viewer Options. Make sure to switch to All (Type) (in-between the 2 locks) and Group By Type mode. Under Skeleton Node Settings, you can find other visual params to change the size of your bones for example.
You can select all your bones and change these parameters for all of them at the same time.


For re-targeting, if all your source animations are from the same skeleton, you just have to characterize once this skeleton in T pose.
Then you load all your motions on that characterized skeleton. One solution is to select all your bones from your skeleton, use "Motion File Import..." from the File main menu bar. On the Import Options panel, make sure you have "Merge" ticked, "In Selected Models Only" in the drop down list,  "Ignore model type" ticked and "Import From File" on Take Start/End drop down list.

You can as well import your motions by drag and dropping these animations from the Asset browser onto your sleeted bones, then chose FBX Animation Replace, All Takes.


You should have now all your takes in you scene. You can then bring the character you want all, these takes to be re-targeted on.

Depending on the number of animation you have to re-target, you might do that in small batch of similar animations so you can tweak/animate re-targeting params more easily.