Thank you so much for your precious help! I haven't any volumes because i build the scaffold trough this steps:
1) import the cube with meshmix and then set the sizes of parallelepiped equal X=10mm, Z=10mm, Y=3mm.
2) the parameters that i must respect are the pores' diameter=0.5 mm and trabeculaes' thickness=0.2mm; to obtain the porosity i used the pattern "random primitive volumes" -->the element dimens (0.5mm) --> "subctract" -->"clip to surface". For the trabeculae i used the pattern "mesh+delaunay+duals edges"--> element dimens (0.2mm)--> Intersect--> clip to surface.
So i can obtain the volume of the bounding object with analysis/stability before use the patterns and then measure the volume of porous object with analysis/stability and in the end calculate percentage porosity trough ratio porous/bounding object?
Or i can first obtain the volume of bounding object trough analysis/stability before starting with the patterns. Then trough the step 1) in your message (set offset distance equal 0.6 right?) i can get the volume of porous object and calculate it with analysis/stability and in the end with the ratio porous/bounding object and get the effective porosity?
p.s= sorry a last question: because i have build two scaffolds with 70% and 90% of porosity, keeping the same pores and trabeculaes' size, can i change the percentage of porosiy trough REMESH--> RELATIVE DENSITY? THANKS A LOT AGAIN!!!!!!!