Hello, humans!
I'm trying to render a sequence in Arnold, basically a mesh with another aero mesh attached. My problem arrives when im rendering the sequence in certain frames suddenly stops at 99% just leaving the last "bucket" to render the whole frame...I can leave it there for hours but still remains freeze on the same frame and the same last bucket. I've try to render just that frame and then continue with my sequence on the next frame, it works the first time, so I saved the frame once it was rendered (from frame 200 to 213, then stopped at 214, I could render it individually and continue my sequence on 215) and it works well, but now I'm having the same problem in another frame (frame 251) but I can't render individually or sequencially, I don't know what I can do...I played a little bit with Threads options and bucket size, but I get no results...still stuck on 99%...
Any idea?
If it's no clear enough tell me...I know it can be a little bit confusing
Thank you so much in advance for any reply
Thank you for reply, mspeer
I would love to, but without my render completed I can't create a log...and I don't have any error message, just stop at 99% and I can't do anything else that force to close Maya from the task manager
That's the debug log for the frame 250 (251 is the one that's giving me headaches...)
00:00:00 2044MB | loading plugins from C:/solidangle/mtoadeploy/2018/shaders ...
00:00:00 2044MB | hairPhysicalShader_shaders.dll: HairPhysicalShaderDiffuseColorAdapter uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | hairPhysicalShader_shaders.dll: HairPhysicalShaderSpecularWeightAdapter uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | hairPhysicalShader_shaders.dll: HairPhysicalShaderSpecularGlossAdapter uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | hairPhysicalShader_shaders.dll: HairPhysicalShaderTransmissionWeightAdapter uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | hairPhysicalShader_shaders.dll: HairPhysicalShaderTransmissionSpreadAdapter uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkFloatConstant uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkFloatComposite uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkFloatCondition uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkFloatCorrect uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkFloatLogic uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkFloatMask uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkFloatMath uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkColorComposite uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkColorCondition uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkColorConstant uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkColorCorrect uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkColorLogic uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkColorMask uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkColorMath uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkChannels uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkPremultiply uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | lookdevkit_shaders.dll: ldkSimplexNoise uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaMultiplyDivide uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaClamp uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaGammaCorrect uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaCondition uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaReverse uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaBlendColors uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSamplerInfo1D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSamplerInfo2D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaPlusMinusAverage1D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaPlusMinusAverage2D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaPlusMinusAverage3D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaRemapValueToValue uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaRemapValueToColor uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaRemapColor uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaFile uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaPlace2DTexture uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaRamp uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaProjection uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaChecker uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaBulge uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaCloth uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaGrid uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaFractal uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaNoise uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaPlace3DTexture uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaRgbToHsv uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaHsvToRgb uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaLuminance uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaCloud uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaCloudAlpha uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSnow uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaContrast uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaLayeredTexture uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaLayeredShader uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSolidFractal uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaVolumeNoise uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaBrownian uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaStucco uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaRemapHsv uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSetRange uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaImagePlane uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSurfaceShader uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaColorToFloat uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaVectorToFloat uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaPointToFloat uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaPoint2ToFloat uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaWriteColor uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAovWriteColor uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaWriteFloat uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAovWriteFloat uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaEnvSphere uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAnimFloat uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAnimPoint uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAnimVector uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAnimColor uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAnimMatrix uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaUserDataVector uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaUserDataColor uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaShadingEngine uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSamplerInfo3D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAovWriteVector uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaAovWriteVector2 uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaNormalDisplacement uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaVectorDisplacement uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaUserDataBool uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaHair uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaMeshLightMaterial uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaUserDataVec2 uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaBump2D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaFluid uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaMarble uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaMountain uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaWater uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaCrater uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaLeather uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaGranite uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaRock uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSingleShadingSwitch uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaDoubleShadingSwitch uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaTripleShadingSwitch uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaQuadShadingSwitch uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaFluidData uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaFluidTexture2D uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaSurfaceLuminance uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MtoaCameraUvMapper uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_shaders.dll: MayaFlatClosure uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | [metadata] loading metadata file: C:/solidangle/mtoadeploy/2018/shaders\mtoa_shaders.mtd
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyAbsFloatOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyAbs2FloatsOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyAbs3FloatsOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyAbsIntOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyRelFloatOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyRel2FloatsOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyRel3FloatsOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | renderSetup_shaders.dll: applyRelIntOverride uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | synColor_shaders.dll: color_manager_syncolor uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | xgenSpline_shaders.dll: XGenHairMapping uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | loading plugins from C:/solidangle/mtoadeploy/2018/procedurals ...
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_ParticleInstancer_proc.dll: particleInstancer uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_ParticleVolume_proc.dll: volume_particle uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | mtoa_ParticleVolume_proc.dll: implicit_particle uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | xgenSpline_procedural.dll: xgenProcedural uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | xgen_procedural.dll: xgen_procedural uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | loaded 123 plugins from 10 lib(s) in 0:00.02
00:00:00 2044MB | loading plugin: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/bifrost/1.5.0/Arnold- ...
00:00:00 2044MB | bifrost_procedural_0_1.dll: bifrost_polymesh uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | bifrost_procedural_0_1.dll: bifrost_points uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | bifrost_procedural_0_1.dll: bifrost_volume uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | bifrost_procedural_0_1.dll: bifrost_implicit uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | bifrost_procedural_0_1.dll: bifrost_blocks uses Arnold
00:00:00 2044MB | loaded 5 plugins from 1 lib(s) in 0:00.02
00:00:00 2044MB | [metadata] loading metadata file: C:/solidangle/mtoadeploy/2018/plug-ins/mtoa.mtd
00:00:00 2045MB WARNING | [mtoa.translator] MayaImagePlane: Maya node Camera01Plane(imagePlane) does not have attribute filename to match parameter filename on Arnold node Camera01Plane(MayaImagePlane).
00:00:00 2045MB WARNING | [mtoa.translator] MayaImagePlane: Maya node Camera01Plane(imagePlane) does not have attribute color to match parameter color on Arnold node Camera01Plane(MayaImagePlane).
00:00:00 2045MB WARNING | [mtoa.translator] MayaImagePlane: Maya node Camera01Plane(imagePlane) does not have attribute fitFactor to match parameter fitFactor on Arnold node Camera01Plane(MayaImagePlane).
00:00:00 2045MB WARNING | [mtoa.translator] MayaImagePlane: Maya node Camera01Plane(imagePlane) does not have attribute translate to match parameter translate on Arnold node Camera01Plane(MayaImagePlane).
00:00:00 2045MB WARNING | [mtoa.translator] MayaImagePlane: Maya node Camera01Plane(imagePlane) does not have attribute camera to match parameter camera on Arnold node Camera01Plane(MayaImagePlane).
00:00:00 2046MB | [AiMakeTx] maketx: no update required for "D:/Trabajos/NUKE/Proyecto_Final/Ghost_3d_model/ghost1ghost1_1-TM_u0_v0.tx"
00:00:00 2046MB | [AiMakeTx] maketx: no update required for "D:/Trabajos/NUKE/Proyecto_Final/Ghost_3d_model/ImageBaseLight_Lago2.tx"
00:00:00 2046MB |
00:00:00 2046MB | [color_manager] no color manager is active
00:00:00 2046MB | [color_manager] rendering color space is "linear" with declared chromaticities:
00:00:00 2046MB | r(0.6400, 0.3300) g(0.3000, 0.6000) b(0.1500, 0.0600) and w(0.3127, 0.3290)
00:00:00 2047MB |
00:00:00 2047MB | there are 2 lights and 3 objects:
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 persp_camera
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 distant_light
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 skydome_light
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 utility
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 standard_surface
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 standard_volume
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 driver_tiff
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 gaussian_filter
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 polymesh
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 list_aggregate
00:00:00 2047MB | 2 MayaFile
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 MayaImagePlane
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 bifrost_volume
00:00:00 2047MB | 1 renderview_display
00:00:00 2047MB |
00:00:00 2047MB | rendering image at 1920 x 1080, 4 AA samples
00:00:00 2047MB | AA sample clamp <disabled>
00:00:00 2047MB | diffuse samples 2 / depth 3
00:00:00 2047MB | specular samples 2 / depth 3
00:00:00 2047MB | transmission samples 2 / depth 3
00:00:00 2047MB | volume indirect samples 2 / depth 3
00:00:00 2047MB | total depth 10
00:00:00 2047MB | bssrdf samples 2
00:00:00 2047MB | transparency depth 10
00:00:00 2047MB | initializing 16 nodes ...
00:00:00 2064MB WARNING | [BIFROST] Don't know how to export channel 'vorticity'. Available channels are: ' density
00:00:00 2064MB | [volume] aeroShape1: auto bounds from volume plugin: [ -16.000000 24.000000 -8.500000 ] -> [ 34.000000 54.000000 26.500000 ]
00:00:00 2064MB | creating root object list ...
00:00:00 2064MB | node initialization done in 0:00.48 (single-threaded)
00:00:00 2064MB | updating 17 nodes ...
00:00:00 2064MB | directionalLightShape1: distant_light using 1 sample, 2 volume samples
00:00:00 2064MB | aiSkyDomeLightShape1: skydome_light using 8 samples, 3 volume samples
00:00:00 2064MB | scene bounds: (-16 24 -8.5) -> (34 54 26.5)
00:00:00 2064MB | node update done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:00 2064MB | [aov] parsing 2 output statements ...
00:00:00 2064MB | [aov] registered driver: "defaultArnoldDriver@driver_tiff.RGBA" (driver_tiff)
00:00:00 2064MB | [aov] * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "defaultArnoldFilter@gaussian_filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:00 2064MB | [aov] registered driver: "defaultArnoldDisplayDriver@renderview_display" (renderview_display)
00:00:00 2064MB | [aov] * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "defaultArnoldFilter@gaussian_filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:00 2064MB | [aov] done preparing 1 AOV for 2 outputs to 2 drivers (0 deep AOVs)
00:00:00 2072MB | starting 8 bucket workers of size 16x16 ...
00:00:00 2078MB | [accel] list_aggregate bvh4 done - 0:00.00 (wall time) - 2 prims, 1 key
00:00:00 2092MB | [accel] polymesh bvh4 done - 0:00.00 (wall time) - 5004 prims, 1 key
00:00:00 2201MB | [skydome_light] aiSkyDomeLightShape1: 7x7 importance map done in 0:00.09, average energy 0.468682
00:00:03 2207MB | 0% done - 370 rays/pixel
00:03:58 2207MB | 5% done - 391 rays/pixel
00:06:13 2208MB | 10% done - 203 rays/pixel
00:07:23 2208MB | 15% done - 101 rays/pixel
00:07:58 2208MB | 20% done - 52 rays/pixel
00:08:40 2208MB | 25% done - 60 rays/pixel
00:09:08 2208MB | 30% done - 44 rays/pixel
00:09:34 2208MB | 35% done - 43 rays/pixel
00:09:58 2208MB | 40% done - 42 rays/pixel
00:10:10 2208MB | 45% done - 29 rays/pixel
00:10:31 2208MB | 50% done - 39 rays/pixel
00:10:50 2208MB | 55% done - 37 rays/pixel
00:10:54 2208MB | 60% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:10:57 2208MB | 65% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:01 2208MB | 70% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:05 2208MB | 75% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:09 2208MB | 80% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:14 2208MB | 85% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:18 2208MB | 90% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:23 2208MB | 95% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:27 2208MB | 100% done - 18 rays/pixel
00:11:27 2208MB | bucket workers done in 11:26.81
00:11:27 2208MB | [driver_tiff] writing file `C:/Users/venom/Documents/maya/projects/default/images/tmp/Diffuse/camera_track.250.tif'
00:11:27 2200MB | render done
00:11:27 2200MB |
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | scene creation time:
00:11:27 2200MB | plugin loading 0:00.05
00:11:27 2200MB | unaccounted 0:00.13
00:11:27 2200MB | total 0:00.18 ( 5.31% machine utilization)
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | render time:
00:11:27 2200MB | node init 0:00.48
00:11:27 2200MB | sanity checks 0:00.00
00:11:27 2200MB | driver init/close 0:00.20
00:11:27 2200MB | bucket rendering 11:26.81
00:11:27 2200MB | mesh processing 0:00.00
00:11:27 2200MB | threads blocked 0:00.00
00:11:27 2200MB | accel. building 0:00.00
00:11:27 2200MB | importance maps 0:00.09
00:11:27 2200MB | output driver 0:00.02
00:11:27 2200MB | pixel rendering 11:26.68
00:11:27 2200MB | unaccounted 0:00.03
00:11:27 2200MB | total 11:27.53 (84.42% machine utilization)
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | memory consumed in MB:
00:11:27 2200MB | at startup 2043.32
00:11:27 2200MB | plugins 1.37
00:11:27 2200MB | AOV samples 1.27
00:11:27 2200MB | output buffers 7.97
00:11:27 2200MB | node overhead 0.01
00:11:27 2200MB | message passing 0.02
00:11:27 2200MB | memory pools 19.07
00:11:27 2200MB | geometry 0.23
00:11:27 2200MB | polymesh 0.23
00:11:27 2200MB | accel. structs 0.17
00:11:27 2200MB | skydome importance map 0.00
00:11:27 2200MB | strings 12.01
00:11:27 2200MB | texture cache 7.06
00:11:27 2200MB | unaccounted 116.08
00:11:27 2200MB | total peak 2208.58
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | ray counts: ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) (avg. hits) (max hits)
00:11:27 2200MB | camera 37120800 ( 17.90, 1.00) ( 29.66%) ( 0.01) ( 1)
00:11:27 2200MB | shadow 21838442 ( 10.53, 0.59) ( 17.45%) ( 0.15) ( 1)
00:11:27 2200MB | volume_shadow 59113633 ( 28.51, 1.59) ( 47.23%) ( 0.07) ( 1)
00:11:27 2200MB | diffuse_reflect 2784141 ( 1.34, 0.08) ( 2.22%) ( 0.19) ( 1)
00:11:27 2200MB | volume_scatter 4309559 ( 2.08, 0.12) ( 3.44%) ( 0.11) ( 1)
00:11:27 2200MB | total 125166575 ( 60.36, 3.37) (100.00%) ( 0.07) ( 1)
00:11:27 2200MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
00:11:27 2200MB | total 83.8% 11.2% 2.9% 1.2% 0.5% 0.3% 0.1%
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | ray marching samples: ( /ray ) (% total) (segments)
00:11:27 2200MB | camera 998734479 ( 61.51) ( 40.98%) ( 1.17)
00:11:27 2200MB | shadow 315086267 ( 17.21) ( 12.93%) ( 1.06)
00:11:27 2200MB | volume_shadow 1007946010 ( 18.34) ( 41.36%) ( 1.02)
00:11:27 2200MB | diffuse_reflect 41806472 ( 15.14) ( 1.72%) ( 1.05)
00:11:27 2200MB | volume_scatter 73540809 ( 17.06) ( 3.02%) ( 1.03)
00:11:27 2200MB | total 2437114037 ( 25.24) (100.00%) ( 1.05)
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | shader calls ( /pixel, /sample) (% total)
00:11:27 2200MB | primary 3047618 ( 1.47, 0.08) ( 0.12%)
00:11:27 2200MB | background 36604932 ( 17.65, 0.99) ( 1.48%)
00:11:27 2200MB | volume 2437114037 ( 1175.31, 65.65) ( 98.40%)
00:11:27 2200MB | importance 49 ( 0.00%)
00:11:27 2200MB | total 2476766636 ( 1194.43, 66.72) (100.00%)
00:11:27 2200MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
00:11:27 2200MB | total 87.4% 9.6% 2.1% 0.6% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0%
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | geometry: (% hit ) (instances) ( init mem, final mem)
00:11:27 2200MB | lists 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00)
00:11:27 2200MB | procs 1 ( 0.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00)
00:11:27 2200MB | polymeshes 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.31, 0.23)
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | geometric elements: ( min) ( avg.) ( max)
00:11:27 2200MB | objects (procs) 1 ( 1) ( 1.0) ( 1)
00:11:27 2200MB | polygons 5004 ( 5004) ( 5004.0) ( 5004)
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | triangle tessellation: ( min) ( avg.) ( max) (/ element) (% total)
00:11:27 2200MB | polymeshes 10008 ( 10008) ( 10008.0) ( 10008) ( 2.00) (100.00%)
00:11:27 2200MB | unique triangles 10008
00:11:27 2200MB | memory use (in MB) 0.23
00:11:27 2200MB | vertices 0.06
00:11:27 2200MB | vertex indices 0.03
00:11:27 2200MB | packed normals 0.02
00:11:27 2200MB | normal indices 0.03
00:11:27 2200MB | uv coords 0.04
00:11:27 2200MB | uv coords idxs 0.03
00:11:27 2200MB | uniform indices 0.01
00:11:27 2200MB | largest polymeshes by triangle count:
00:11:27 2200MB | 10008 tris -- Ghost_meshShape
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | acceleration structures: (% total)
00:11:27 2200MB | bvh 2 (100.00%)
00:11:27 2200MB | total 2 (100.00%)
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | OpenImageIO Texture statistics
00:11:27 2200MB | Options: gray_to_rgb=1 flip_t=0 max_tile_channels=5
00:11:27 2200MB | Queries/batches :
00:11:27 2200MB | texture : 1523860 queries in 1523860 batches
00:11:27 2200MB | texture 3d : 0 queries in 0 batches
00:11:27 2200MB | shadow : 0 queries in 0 batches
00:11:27 2200MB | environment : 0 queries in 0 batches
00:11:27 2200MB | Interpolations :
00:11:27 2200MB | closest : 2
00:11:27 2200MB | bilinear : 4051682
00:11:27 2200MB | bicubic : 755804
00:11:27 2200MB | Average anisotropic probes : 1.63
00:11:27 2200MB | Max anisotropy in the wild : 1.3e+03
00:11:27 2200MB |
00:11:27 2200MB | OpenImageIO ImageCache statistics (000001CAD87E5010) ver 1.7.17
00:11:27 2200MB | Options: max_memory_MB=2048.0 max_open_files=1536 autotile=0
00:11:27 2200MB | autoscanline=1 automip=0 forcefloat=0 accept_untiled=1
00:11:27 2200MB | accept_unmipped=1 read_before_insert=0 deduplicate=1
00:11:27 2200MB | unassociatedalpha=0 failure_retries=0
00:11:27 2200MB | Images : 2 unique
00:11:27 2200MB | ImageInputs : 2 created, 2 current, 2 peak
00:11:27 2200MB | Total pixel data size of all images referenced : 31.1 MB
00:11:27 2200MB | Total actual file size of all images referenced : 10.9 MB
00:11:27 2200MB | Pixel data read : 7.1 MB
00:11:27 2200MB | File I/O time : 0.3s (0.0s average per thread)
00:11:27 2200MB | File open time only : 0.0s
00:11:27 2200MB | Tiles: 422 created, 419 current, 419 peak
00:11:27 2200MB | total tile requests : 5252676
00:11:27 2200MB | micro-cache misses : 2922 (0.0556288%)
00:11:27 2200MB | main cache misses : 422 (0.008034%)
00:11:27 2200MB | redundant reads: 1 tiles, 12 KB
00:11:27 2200MB | Peak cache memory : 7.1 MB
00:11:27 2200MB | Image file statistics:
00:11:27 2200MB | opens tiles MB read --redundant-- I/O time res File
00:11:27 2200MB | 1 1 61 2.9 0.1s 1281x 773x3.f32 D:/Trabajos/NUKE/Proyecto_Final/Ghost_3d_model/ImageBaseLight_Lago2.tx MIP-COUNT[60,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
00:11:27 2200MB | 2 1 359 4.2 ( 1 0.0) 0.2s 2048x2048x3.u8 D:/Trabajos/NUKE/Proyecto_Final/Ghost_3d_model/ghost1ghost1_1-TM_u0_v0.tx MIP-COUNT[143,144,48,14,4,0,1,1,1,1,1,1]
00:11:27 2200MB |
00:11:27 2200MB | Tot: 2 420 7.1 ( 1 0.0) 0.3s
00:11:27 2200MB | Broken or invalid files: 0
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB | number of warnings, warning type:
00:11:27 2200MB | 1: [BIFROST] Don't know how to export channel '%s'. Available channels are: '%s'
00:11:27 2200MB | 5: [mtoa.translator] %s: Maya node %s(%s) does not have attribute %s to match parameter %s on Arnold node %s(%s).
00:11:27 2200MB | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:11:27 2200MB |
00:11:27 2200MB | releasing resources
00:11:27 2199MB | unloading 11 plugins
00:11:27 2200MB | closing hairPhysicalShader_shaders.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing lookdevkit_shaders.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing mtoa_shaders.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing renderSetup_shaders.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing synColor_shaders.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing xgenSpline_shaders.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing mtoa_ParticleInstancer_proc.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing mtoa_ParticleVolume_proc.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing xgenSpline_procedural.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing xgen_procedural.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | closing bifrost_procedural_0_1.dll ...
00:11:27 2199MB | unloading plugins done
00:11:27 2199MB | Arnold shutdown
I can't see anything problematic in this log file.
If you can upload a scene-file i will test it, but without this i can't help your further.
So, Bifrost?
Recache the problem frame by removing the cache file data, then using the caching options to fill in the gaps.
well i am facing the same problem right now , my render get stuck at a very last bucket and the problem is i cant even re-render that particular frame , i am out of deadline right now , did u get any solution , because i have to render 3800 frames and its hectic to render after its stops every few frames.
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