How to create a "Render Pass" in Maya 2017 without Arnold?


How to create a "Render Pass" in Maya 2017 without Arnold?

Not applicable

Hello, I began a new job and just started using Maya 2017 without an Arnold license. I am trying to create a render pass or equivalent in Maya 2017. I tried switching to the Legacy render layer but that doesn't seem to work. I can create a pass contribution layer, but the option to add render passes is greyed out. 


There has to be a way to do this in 2017, I just cant figure it out. I am currently using Maya Software as my renderer. 


Here is an example of what I wish to accomplish, perhaps there is another rendering solution.  I need to set up a scene so that in my render an object is occluded or masked out when its behind another specific object. Example(not my actual scene): you have a static camera showing the moon orbiting the earth. I need to set up a render layer for the moon and have the moon be occluded when its behind the earth. All I can get at this point is a render that shows the full moon for the entire orbit.


Thanks in advance 

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It's worth noting that this thread is in reference to a scene working with MtoA  not Arnold 5 (i.e. MtoA 2.0). Read the release notes for the changes, in case anyone is reading this thread while working with Arnold 5.


  • What you're looking for is Render Setup for creating the equivalent of legacy render layers.

Here is a great YouTube video that will walk you through Render Passes with Arnold:
How to make Render Passes in Maya 2017 with Arnold


Here is another great YouTube video that goes more in depth with Render Setup:
Render Setup - using Arnold with Maya 2017


You don't need an Arnold license to render using Render Sequence.
Render > Render Sequence
This will render all your layers setup in Render Setup as well as all your frames, and AOV's without a watermark.


Here is a great YouTube video about Render Sequence:

Maya 2017 New Feature - RENDER SEQUENCE


  • The other part of this question is in reference to adding nParticles to a render layer/pass.


When adding nParticles to a layer in Render Setup, the connection will break if the nParticles are not cached first.

User-added image



In the above example, the nParticles are not cached with nCache. Causing the connection in Render Setup to break, each time you replay the timeline or move to a different frame.



  1. Remove the nParticles from the layer in Render Setup.
  2. Select the nParticles node in the Outliner
  3. In the FX section select nCache > Create New Cache > nObject

User-added image


  1. Add the nParticles to the layer in Render Setup.

User-added image




Faline Custodio Da Silva