Ok. I have read the linked article. I'm still having issues.
I'm going in deep here. Bare with me.
Current Set Up:
Maya 2019, Mac Catalina 10.14.6
Working Method:
• Just a test scene, default settings, 1 simple sphere in my scene. No lights. Sphere = 44 units from camera
• Activated "Z" AOV in Render Settings. See Figure 1
• Clicked little down arrow triangle by Z AOV>select Drivers> Merge AOVs.
• Important Render Settings: Image Format = EXR, Frame/Animation Ext: name.3.ext, Have set up a 1 frame only frame range. This is so I can also render using Render Sequence.
Render Using: 2 Methods. Described below.
Method 1:
• Render using Arnold> Render. Initiates the "Arnold RenderView", Drop down menu of window= pick the "Z" AOV to view. I get a pure white image. Adjusted Exposure in Arnold RenderView, (make sure to type in numbers not use the slider, the slider doesn't move far enough, also make sure to hit return and not tab after entering the numbers as TAB doesn't actually enter the number) I can see my sphere. See figure 2. However, If there is any Z Depth information there... I cannot see it. I just see a flat grey sphere.
Saving this image out is an issue: I cannot select any of the recommended settings of the solutions from the link above. My options are different. IF HOWEVER, if I use the method below- Calling it "Method 2", the settings are available. BUT, Currently, with Method 1, my options are Save>Save Image Options = "Apply Color Managment" which I've Disabled, "View Transforms" which I've left at Use Display Settings and "Apply Gamma/Exposure". Which I've checked on. After these adjustments are made-
I CAN, save out a file from the "Arnold RenderView" File>Save
This ONLY saves out an 8 bit .jpg image which I don't want. I want to stay 32bit Open it in Photoshop CC 20.0.6. Adjust exposure or levels, It looks terrible, severe banding. See Banding Image.
I can Save>Multi Layer EXR.
There is no information in my saved EXR file. Just an alpha channel. No Image. No Z Depth.
Method 2:
• Render Using, Render>Render Sequence. Just 1 frame. This does 2 things. Maya saves out an EXR file automatically and brings up the "Render View" which is different than the "Arnold RenderView". I can however, set the recommending settings/options from the linked solution listed above.
I cannot choose to view the "Z" AOV and "RenderView" renders a black image. So I have no idea if it's rendering properly.
The Rendered Image is saved to my "Images" project folder. It is an EXR. The image has no information in it. Again just an alpha channel. If I open it in photoshop there is nothing there. I can adjust exposure, level. There is nothing and No information in the histogram.
If I save out an EXR image from within "Render View", again no information in that saved image just an alpha channel.
Regardless of Method 1 or 2. I'm getting no usable ZDepth Information.
I am missing an important step. I would love to know what it is. Any help is appreciated.