Confused on using the Hypershader, few questions i need answers for.


Confused on using the Hypershader, few questions i need answers for.


So when using the hypersahder i have a few questions about actually using it to its fullest. i come from blender so a node based workflow isnt new to me but the UI and how things are organized confuses me a tiny bit.


1. The "Work Area" where the nodes are created and connected, you can have more then one BUT is only one work area used for ALL material/shader nodes? Or can it be split up kinda like how it is in blender "Per material/shader"? i am just looking for the best way to organize my materials and textures to improve my workflow and file structure.


2. IF the work area holds all that nodes that you are using for a scene/character then for larger scenes with many many materials and things whats the best way to sort them? 


i dont know if i am just overthinking this but just any info on the work area itself and sorting to make things organized would be helpful. i looked online and theres not much info on the work area and how it works out there. ny insight would be greatly appriciated, as mentioned i come from blender so the shader groups there are seperated into their own work spaces and i figured clicking on the material in the browser would do the same when i started but it wasnt and i am just confused how the proper way to use the hypershader. Thanks again for any info. 


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Accepted solution

In the work area you can arrange  a single network or several at the same time . Just select the shaders you need and graph the nodes. You can also organize the shaders in Bins. Take a look at the hypershade documentation for more examples.

Although if you are more comfortable in Blender there's really no reason to switch.