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Batch render Maya 2019 Rendering Completed Problem


Batch render Maya 2019 Rendering Completed Problem


Hi !

When trying to batch render, the render start and stop immediately saying it has been completed. I'm on maya 2019, no update on Windows 10.

Rendering with Render View and render sequence works.
I tried with two scenes that worked just fine with maya2018 on Windows 7 and one completely new scene with only a cube, a new camera and a light.
I tried with Arnold and MayaSoftware.

The graphic card driver is up to date.

I've tried with new preferences and different projects.
We thought it was maybe a firewall issue. We allowed some applications to the firewall (Render.exe, Maya.exe and mayabatchwrapper.exe). But it is still not batch rendering. 
Doing batch render locally or on a network have the same outcome. I tested locally with and without internet connection.  
I tried batch rendering on a few different computers and the problem is still the same.

We installed maya 2018 and the same problem applies.

The only information I get in the log file is the date. 
Windows indicates an error with Render.exe and the Foundation.dll module.

We have 150 computers (specifications varie) uninstalling and reinstalling is a bit of an issue...The installation have been executed with SCCM.
All the computers are connected on the same network.


Any ideas what could cause the issue? 


Thanks in advance. 

Accepted solutions (1)
5 Replies
Replies (5)

Community Manager
Community Manager

I would take one computer and install Maya manually.

If that works, then you know it's a problem with how the other machines were set up.


Or at least find some machine where batch render works.

Then get a Process Monitor log for a batch render from that good machine, and compare it with a non-working machine.


I'd also try doing a batch render from the command line. Maybe I'd try that first.


set PATH=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\bin;%PATH%
render -s 1 -e 1

// Stephen Blair
// Arnold Renderer Support

Accepted solution

Hi Stephen,

Thank you for the fast reply. 


Batch rendering using command line didn't work out, but we finally manage to find the problem (and the solution!). The deployment package had been done on Windows 7... From what I understand, Maya creates a init file based on the operating system for the installation. It became very clear when we installed Maya 2019 on a computer with Windows 7 and the batch render worked.

So we made a new deployment of the files on Windows 10 and proceeded with the installation. Everything works fine now !


Thanks again !

Not applicable

Hi Squarewhale,


Could you please detail your solution ? I'm having the same issue on one node since a few days and cannot resolve.

I'm on windows 10 and did a clean fresh install of Maya/Vray. The rendering starts well on other nodes, but acts like you described on this one node.




At first we thought it was du to a bad installation of Maya, but we realised the real issue came from a third party plugin, NgSkinTools, that we had installed.

Do you have any third party plugins installed on that computer ?

Not applicable

Yes, I have Vray, PhoenixFD, Bridge, Quadremesher. I could try to remove Quadremesher and Bridge. Those are the ones I was not using some time ago. It's the first time since many years that I have this problem, and only on my workstation.