Hi @nobody_b and @Christoph_Schaedl , I know this is an older thread, but this still seems to be an issue when trying to render with ACES.
Unfortunately, neither of these are great solutions. @Christoph_Schaedl, If I simply add more light to a scene in order for certain pieces of geometry to show as true white:
1. That of course lightens everything else. This alone nixes this strategy, as we are usually happy with the look of everything else, and just want white objects to look.. well, white.
2. The LensEffect Imager can't be used, as values now become too bright, causing things to blow out.
Before, with the light gray cans:

After, with things blown out:

All I did was increase the exposure of my skydome a bit. So, of course the reactionary solution is to simply reduce the Threshold value for my LensEffect, which gives me this:

... a washed out mess, which looks like I've cranked up the subsurface way to high on my shader.
If I change the mixing color space to Display Space, and set rgb to 1,1,1, as @nobody_b suggests, I basically get the exact same result.
So does someone have a solution for this, or are we just stuck with ACES giving us light gray for white and will always need to correct in post?