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Window compress #MEL?

Message 1 of 8
1353 Views, 7 Replies

Window compress #MEL?

Hi guys as you can see in the screen shot when I closed the options and constraint and other options too  in the script (flowLayout menu ) is not compressing  my main window. Its like window is stuck anybody know how can I fix it?



Hi I added add script please tell me where is the problem?







Message 2 of 8

//AUTHOR : Jayant bhatt.

//don't modify , don't distribute.

//works with maya 2017 and 2018

//special thanks to autosk and polycount forum

//for materials thanks to Bodizz




if ( `window -exists "nameWindow"` ) {

deleteUI "nameWindow";



// create a window with a menu bar

window -title "3DGhost" -menuBar true -w 220 -h 200 "nameWindow";



// two frame layouts will be laid out in a columna






if ( `window -exists CgGhost` ) {

deleteUI CgGhost;






// create a tearOff menu

menu -label "File" -tearOff true;

// add the menu items

menuItem -label "New" -command "NewScene";

menuItem -label "Open" -command "OpenScene";

menuItem -label "Save" -command "SaveScene";

menuItem -divider true ;

menuItem -label "Quit" -command "quit";




// add a help menu

menu -label "Credit" -helpMenu true;

menuItem -label "Jayant bhatt";

menuItem -label "Virbhadra Gupta";



// add a help menu

menu -label "Windows" -helpMenu true;


menuItem -label "Outliner" -command "OutlinerWindow";

menuItem -label "Preferences" -command "PreferencesWindow";

menuItem -label "Hotkey Editr " -command "HotkeyPreferencesWindow";

menuItem -label "PluginManagr" -command "PluginManager;";



// add a help menu

menu -label "Display" -helpMenu true;

menuItem -label "HideSelected" -command "HideSelectedObjects";

menuItem -label "ShowAll" -command "ShowAll";

menuItem -label "Polycount" -command "TogglePolyCount";

menuItem -divider true -dividerLabel "Rigging";

menuItem -label "Joint Size" -command "jdsWin";

menuItem -label "Ik/Fk Js" -command "ikfkjdsWin";

menuItem -label "Ik Handle Size" -command "ikHdsWin";



// create a collapsible frame layout

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Shapes";


// add the other controls

flowLayout -columnSpacing 1 -w 220 -h 30;


// create six symbol buttons with related mel command


symbolButton -image "cube.xpm" -command "polyCube";

symbolButton -image "sphere.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonSphere";

symbolButton -image "plane.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonPlane";

symbolButton -image "cylinder.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonCylinder";

symbolButton -image "circle.xpm" -command "CreateNURBSCircle";

symbolButton -image "text.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonType";



setParent ..;




// create some text

text -label " cube sphre Plne Cylndr Circle Text ";


setParent ..;

setParent ..;


// create a collapsible frame layout

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Lights";


// add the other controls


flowLayout -columnSpacing 7 -w 20 -h 25;


// create six symbol buttons with related mel command


symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "ambientlight.png" -command "CreateAmbientLight";

symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "directionallight.png" -command "CreateDirectionalLight";

symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "pointlight.png" -command "CreatePointLight";

symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "spotlight.png" -command "CreateSpotLight";

symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "arealight.png" -command "CreateAreaLight";

symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "volumelight.png" -command "CreateVolumeLight";


setParent ..;




// create some text

text -label " Amb Dir Point spot Area Vol ";


setParent ..;

setParent ..;


// three frame layouts will be laid out in a column


// create a collapsible frame layout

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Options";


// define the layout of controls added

// to the window.





// add the other controls

flowLayout -columnSpacing 1 -w 220 -h 33;




// create a couple of buttons

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "buttonManip.svg" -command "CenterPivot";

symbolButton -image "multiCut_NEX32.png" -command "dR_multiCutTool";

symbolButton -image "detach.png" -command "DetachComponent";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "GateMask.png" -command "PolyCircularize";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "addCreateGeneric_100.png" -command "CombinePolygons";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "mergeConnections.png" -command "SeparatePolygon";


setParent ..;


// create some text

text -label " CPvt MCtol Dattch Circ Comb Sept ";


setParent ..;

setParent ..;


flowLayout -columnSpacing 1 -w 220 -h 30;

// create a couple of buttons

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "bridge_NEX32.png" -command "performBridgeOrFill";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "bevel.png" -command "BevelPolygon";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "bezCorner.png" -command "SoftPolyEdgeElements 0";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "bezNormalSelect.png" -command "SoftPolyEdgeElements 1";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "reverseSurface.png" -command "ReversePolygonNormals";

symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "UV.png" -command "TextureViewWindow";




setParent ..;



// create some text

text -label " Brdge Bvl HEd SEd Nrevse UV ";


setParent ..;

setParent ..;

setParent ..;



// create a collapsible frame layout

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Constraint";

// add the other controls

flowLayout -columnSpacing 10 -w 224 -h 32;



symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "edges_NEX.png" -command "toolPropertyWindow";


symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "hyper_s_ON.png" -command "manipMoveSetXformConstraint edge";


symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "hyper_s_OFF.png" -command "manipMoveSetXformConstraint none";



setParent ..;

setParent ..;




// create a collapsible frame layout

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Materials";

// add the other controls

flowLayout -columnSpacing 4 -w 224 -h 53;




// create some text

text -label " Blinn Lmbrt Phong HypShd MatA ";



//create a blinn material




proc createBlinn(){

string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;

string $myBlinn = `shadingNode -asShader blinn`;

select -r $sel;

hyperShade -assign $myBlinn;



flowLayout -columnSpacing 4 -w 220 -h 40;

symbolButton -w 40 -h 40 -image "blinn.svg" -c "createBlinn()" ;



//create a Lambert material



proc createLambert(){

string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;

string $lambert = `shadingNode -asShader lambert`;

select -r $sel;

hyperShade -assign $lambert;



flowLayout -columnSpacing 4 -w 220 -h 40;


symbolButton -w 40 -h 40 -image "lambert.svg" -c "createLambert()" ;




//create a Phong material


proc createPhong(){

string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;

string $phong = `shadingNode -asShader phong`;

select -r $sel;

hyperShade -assign $phong;



flowLayout -columnSpacing 4 -w 220 -h 40;


symbolButton -w 40 -h 40 -image "phong.svg" -c "createPhong()" ;


//Material attribute




flowLayout -columnSpacing 3 -w 220 -h 40;

symbolButton -w 38 -h 38 -image "Hypershade.png" -command "HypershadeWindow";




//take you to the material attribut



symbolButton -w 40 -h 40 -image "samplerInfo.svg" -c "showShadingGroupAttrEditor" ;






setParent ..;




setParent ..;

setParent ..;






Message 3 of 8
in reply to: jayantbhatt07


This is the normal behavior.

Message 4 of 8
in reply to: mspeer

Hi what do you mean by normal behaviour can we fix it, I have seen other artist scripts also where in the update they fixed this thing. Any Idea?

Message 5 of 8
in reply to: jayantbhatt07


If you want to change the size of the window after clicking on a certain frameLayout you need to add a MEL script to this frameLayout that does this by using -cc.


For example:

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Shapes" -cc "window -e -height 100 nameWindow";
Message 6 of 8
in reply to: mspeer

Thank you so much 🙂

Message 7 of 8
in reply to: mspeer
Message 8 of 8
in reply to: mspeer

Many thanks for the -cc flag!


Is there a flag with inverse functionality?


When one launches a window with already collapsed tabs, the window would automatically expand when manually expanding tabs.




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