I was working on this file for a few days, and suddenly my computer crashed (Blue screen).
I keep saving my file all the time, pressing CTRL+S, and I had saved the file a few seconds before the crash, so I hoped that none of my progression was lost.
But when I tried to load my scene, it had absolutely nothing on it.
I was stupid enough to keep working on this same file for 4 days, and now I'm afraid I've lost everything I've worked on.
I saw some solutions, but unfortunately Maya didn't generate a crash file, so I only have the MB file.
I tried uploading here, but even this I couldn't do it, because of this error: The attachment's radio_shack_02.mb content type (application/octet-stream) does not match its file extension and has been removed.
I have uploaded the file into this drive link:
I'd appreciate any sort of help.