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Speed up node creation workflow - reduce generally the number of needed Clicks

Speed up node creation workflow - reduce generally the number of needed Clicks

Creating a file read node with a connected texture file with Tab-Key

needs from you to do the following:

- in Maya: pressing 5 times on keys/arrows and clicking 1 time. And furthermore once switching to the property editor panel to search and click the folder icon

- in Nuke for comparison: it takes you only pressing 2 keys


In detail after pressing at first the Tab key:

- MAYA:  Hit F to get the menue for file texture node, click 3 times arrow down to come down to file texture, press Enter, go to the property editor window, press the folder icon

- Nuke: Hit R (for read node), press Enter: Done!!

It automatically selects the last selected node with first letter "R" (highlighted with green) and opens the file directory window.

The Maya process is also a mixture of hitting keys (Tab and F, switching to the arrow and hitting this or switching to operating with the mouse cursor, then leaving the window region and clicking an icon.


What can we learn from this?

The Nuke programmers examined exactly, what happens on user side in a frequently done task.

The former Maya programmers just had been fine with a user unfriendly cumbersome workflow. One standard task (creation of a file node) needs completely different ways of operation and a lot time.

They did not overthink "is this handy? is that a fast workflow?"

Moreover Maya needs the hyershade/nodegraph unneccessarily for simple tasks, for which there is no need for these slowly tools. even a click on the checkerboard-icon could let you choose the filenode and directly open the directory window and alternativly a list of existing nodes. (Furthermore the Hypershade even causes trouble when you leave it all the time open. So you need to add the waiting time for opening and closing this.)


This should be a good example, what Maya in general should become corrected in future...


I have been recently in talk with several people (also CGI artists in different softwares, who diskussed with students).

The sad result is, that if they can avoid using Maya, they prefere switching to other softwares. Because Maya needs the most clicks, the most panels, the most time in standard workflows.

When also I recently heard, that the Maya developers currently rebuild the UI interface, I just want to say, that it is not only about finding nice icons.

There is a need to ask users about there particular workflows and to involve experienced Beta-testers, who can compare with other softwares, too.

And here really to compare between the speed and number of clicks to do a standard task in other softwares (C4D, nuke, softimage, even 3dsmax or substance)

I guess, so many things could be merged together like hypershade & nodegraph, or some of the many different animation editors.

The following is something, I have already posted, but it belongs briefly mentioned here:

- the standard workflows could be get a "fast line" and quick accesses (drag&drop textures etc)...

- automatic color space assigning (displacement or Normal maps are never sRGB, diffuse is always sRGB) etc.


Attached are just screenshots for the Node Creation process.

Nuke: just hit R and Enter. Done!!Nuke: just hit R and Enter. Done!!

Maya: press f and you need 3 more hits on the arrow key to come to "file Texture", a frequently needed basic node. then hit enter. (or you need to target and click, which is same time consumption)Maya: press f and you need 3 more hits on the arrow key to come to "file Texture", a frequently needed basic node. then hit enter. (or you need to target and click, which is same time consumption)

Maya: then go to the property editor, click the folder icon. This workflow not only requires changes between hitting keys, clicking and placing the mouse. It also wastes screenspace.Maya: then go to the property editor, click the folder icon. This workflow not only requires changes between hitting keys, clicking and placing the mouse. It also wastes screenspace.


I just drag the file from file explorer to the node editor.  They can't have a hotkey for every little thing, and there's already a really convenient way to create file nodes.




Thanks @BenediZ for your time & effort, once again!! I had similar diskussions recently at the FMX.


No, @zewt. To leave Maya, search through folders in the explorer is no good workflow solution. It's a good additional option when you have lot screenspace and not many project folders, but it does not replace a smart workflow inside the software.

It's also not particular about this "file node", which was a good example, and not about new hotkeys. I could explain you the same with a noise node, too! Nuke always remembers the last used nodes of a certain letter and puts it on top of the list.

It's about general workflow enhancements. How much effort they currently demand and how it could be "thought" in future better. So please read and understand better, before you start commenting this way.

I also want to say frankly, when I recently read your posts, zewt, you are often quite unconstructive and uncollegial. Which is the reason why I'm now reacting like this. Recently I took my rare time to assist you in a topic and you just attacked me as "hijacker".Here you come yourself as a hijacker, not to assist but to undermine without really having read this. If you are not understanding, please keep out.

I think Benedikt explained well, that this is not just his private opinion about something only he "needs" for his personal workflow. It's including a summary of several talks with colleagues. And you can read the same all over the forum between the lines... I was just happy, that it's this time not about only a "hotkey" or only "function", instead about the general way how a software should be designed.


Hi, thanks for feedback (and please keep both to the subject :))


Of course I am a friend of any kind of drag&drop workflows - why I also created a topic to implement a hotkey for toggling all panels away.

But it's no replacement for fast worklows in Maya and it was indeed only an example.


My main subject is, how often you have to click, to open and close panels for simple tasks in comparison to what would be really needed and what is already standard in other applications. And it's really a common feedback!


About the example:

You can get the Maya workflow get done in 5 seconds and the Nuke workflow in 1 second (until the file search window opens).

In Nuke you even haven't to move your mouse cursor, you could even do it with closed eyes!

Try this in Maya and you understand what means "cumbersome versus streamlined".

And again, that's just one example and yes, the some applies for any other node.

(And for missing handling functionalities like backdrop, sorting etc.)


Maybe I should have written at first the last recaps and conclusions and give the example at the end. But it's unfortunately not anymore possible to edit the posting here. So start reading in the middle 😉


(This isn't the place for personal attacks.  Please keep things professional.)


Not applicable

I'm working with Cinema4D and Maya (actually I graduated in Maya).

But as long as I am not forced by someone to work in Maya, I always go for Cinema!! sorry ^^


Maya workflows are too nested and too laborious. Nearly all works can be solved within half time in Cinema and now they have Redshift. For me it means more time for creativity...

But for the rare projects, where I must use Maya, I hope, that it will be improved.

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