(Copied from original User Voice forum)
"Currently when I have a reference in maya, I can make edits to it, but the refEdits are saved in the master scene.
I can then save the edits to a file for a later import, but it doesn't always work, and I don't have a clean scene ready when I am done working.
Here is a scenario : It would be great to be able to have a reference loaded, like a rig. And start to sculpt blendShapes and author facial rigging, for instance, and have those shapes and edits go directly into their own reference scene, as I am authoring them.
Another example, adding fancy shaders to a rig.
And last but not least, if I have CHAR1 and CHAR2 in the scene, It would be great to create animation curves, and they go straight to their own animation file for CHAR1 and another animation file for CHAR2.