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MASK INPUTS for all LookDev nodes - Reduce node clutter in Node Graph/Hypershade

MASK INPUTS for all LookDev nodes - Reduce node clutter in Node Graph/Hypershade

A huge problem of Maya is the node clutter ("Spaghetti networks") in comparison to other applications.

One important reason: We are lacking Mask Inputs at all correction nodes. This forces to branch nnode streams into double streams and using addiotnal nodes like layeredTexture to merge them down again.

I have attached screenshots, that show which difference it makes.

The networks are not only too inflated, they are hard to read and hard to debug and tweak.

Even for other nodes it would improve the workflow in Maya. Also consider, how small the effort is to implement a Mask Input and which positive impact it would have on possible faster workflows.


current node cluttercurrent node clutter

4 slim alpha input.jpg


2 How it  should be.jpg


Example for only 2 corrections (compare the last picture, to understand how inflated and cumbersome this is)

3 node clutter 2 corrections.jpg


Comparison how it could be much better with inputs for Alpha Masks

5 slim alpha input serial corrections.jpg


Comparison with other softwares (just roughly)


1 Comment

Brilliant analysis, which litterally opened my eyes after reading this first time! (in the other thread)

I only want to complement that for the alpha input should be implemented

- INVERT (same as it is in a file texture node integrated)

- ENABLE (toggle on/off)

I think the advantage is self-explanaining.

And since we talk since years about improving node graph and hypershade, while nothing happens, because Autodesk first wants to develope bifrost, this would be something that could be implemented at any time and would bring some improvement immediately.


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