Please, Maya needs some sort of native dynamic edge bevel deformer. Something that can apply bevels to models without actually changing the base-mesh which would make iteration much easier. I also believe that it would make models, and they sharper edges, look better when compared to Creased edges. Crease-Edges are helpful but not as good as full-featured bevels.
- It could be work off of hard-edges, crease-sets or its own bevel sets. Ideally, it would be able to pick from any of these sources. That means we would be able to add and remover edge to the bevel on the fly, of course.
- The bevel would happen within the same object, most likely making use of a cage (that would appear when the object is selected) not creating a secondary object, extra group, a proxy or something similar.
- All the bevel options would be available.
Some references:
Zbrush kinda does that within their dynamic-subdivision (equivalent to Maya's smooth-preview) but it bevels all the edges and not only the creased ones. But it is close to the idea.