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Maya objects dissappear on loading startup

Message 1 of 6
890 Views, 5 Replies

Maya objects dissappear on loading startup

Was working on a model lastnight. Opened up this morning and everything is invisible. Well not everything. For somereason somethings are showing up bright green and other things are just gone. I know this isnt just  invisible or anything because it doesnt show up when rendered and the invisible objects say they dont have any polys.

Message 2 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

Btw heres the scene file

Message 3 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous



I am not sure what happened here, but some of your meshes are indeed empty.

However you can recover some data.

Please check in Attribute Editor for secondary nodes like "polySurfaceShape" and disable

Object Display -> Intermediate Object.

For example Body has BodyShape which is empty and polySurfaceShape2 which can be recovered.


Maybe it's better to  start from a backup, but if you don't have one, then at least some meshes can be recovered.

Message 4 of 6
in reply to: mspeer

Any reason as to why everything is green? I have materials that were assigned when i left it and somehow they are green now?

Message 5 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous


Some connections are broken, just re-assign the materials.

Message 6 of 6
in reply to: mspeer

I just working on a model for a few days. Maya crashed suddenly, and some polygon are in bright green color, other just not there, just gone!!, no one object has a material previously assigned.., when I try to select an object, it's impossible, Maya just catch an object behind one. Please Help ME, I watch the size files, so I believe objects are there, but some connections are missing...


The Sript has this report:

file -f -new;
// untitled //
commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
onSetCurrentLayout "Maya Classic";
// Error: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/plug-ins/xgen/scripts/xgmToolRegistration.mel line 58: Cannot find procedure "xgmToolManagerRegisterTool". //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/plug-ins/xgen/scripts/igInitialize.mel line 78: Couldn't source xgmToolRegistration.mel //
// Warning: file: /Users/juanpardo/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2018/prefs/filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 4: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: /Users/juanpardo/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2018/prefs/filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 5: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: /Users/juanpardo/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2018/prefs/filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 6: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// AbcExport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.8 (built Dec 24 2015 17:46:02)
// AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.8 (built Dec 24 2015 17:46:02)
+++++++ Turtle for Maya registered successfully ++++++
// mental ray for Maya 2018
// mental ray for Maya: using startup file /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018//maya.rayrc.
// mental ray for Maya: setup
// mental ray for Maya: initialize
// mental ray for Maya: register extensions
// mental ray Node Factory: loaded
evalDeferred "shaderBallRendererMenuUpdate";
// mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
// mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018//maya.rayrc
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/object_light_phen.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/AdskShaderSDKWrappers.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/subsurface.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/subsurface.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/surfaceSampler.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/surfaceSampler.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/useribl.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/useribl.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/layering.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/layering.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/bifrostphenMR.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/layering_phen.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/paint.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/paint.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/architectural.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/architectural.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/builtin_bsdf.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/bifrostMR.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/bifrostMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/xgenMR.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/xgenMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/lookdevKitMR.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/lookdevKitMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/userdata.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/userdata.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/physics.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/physics.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/coreutil.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/coreutil.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/contour.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/contour.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/base.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/base.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/production.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/production.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/builtin_object_light.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/basehair.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/basehair.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
get_mdl_modules('/Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/mdl')
# ['maya_default'] #
get_mdl_modules('/Library/Application Support/NVIDIA Corporation/mdl')
# ['LwFunctions', 'LwConversion', 'LwEmission', 'iray_for_rhino::rhino_5_material', 'Lw', 'LwGeometry', 'LwBase', 'adobe::annotations', 'adobe::convert', 'adobe::util', 'adobe::mtl', 'nvidia::core_definitions', 'nvidia::axf_importer::axf_importer', 'LwMeasuredBase', 'LwFinish', 'ifm', 'LwTooltips', 'alg::materials::lambert', 'alg::materials::physically_metallic_roughness', 'alg::materials::physically_specular_glossiness', 'alg::materials::blinn', 'alg::materials::lights', 'alg::base::annotations', 'alg::base::core', 'alg::base::normalmapping'] #
# [] #
# [] #
// Register mental ray VP2Override plugin
// AbcBullet v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.8 (built Dec 24 2015 17:46:02)
# pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: dgProfiler, mayaHIK, invertShape, curveWarp, CloudImportExport, hairPhysicalShader, ATFPlugin, Mayatomr, stringFormatNode, ikSpringSolver, udpDevice, retargeterNodes, denimTexture, ringsTexture, measure, AutodeskPacketFile, lookdevKit, Type, AbcBullet, modelingToolkit, veiningTexture, cleanPerFaceAssignment, bifmeshio, atomImportExport, deformerEvaluator, audioWave, scallopTexture, bullet, shotCamera, bifrostshellnode, GPUBuiltInDeformer, stereoCamera, polyNurbsProjection, tiffFloatReader, cvColorShader, studioImport, xgenToolkit, streaksTexture, AbcExport, ddsFloatReader, VectorRender, gameFbxExporter, Unfold3D, mayaCharacterization, drawSplitTool, 3dsImport, rotateHelper, closestPointOnCurve, AbcImport, frecklesTexture, sceneAssembly, gpuCache, Turtle, treeBarkTexture, renderSetup, ArubaTessellator, fbxmaya, skinShader, nodeCreatedCBCmd
// cgfxShader 4.5 for Maya 201800.0 (Jun 26 2017)
evalDeferred "shaderBallRendererMenuUpdate";
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' and label 'Standin' have been saved already. //
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' and label 'VDB' have been saved already. //
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' and label 'Image' have been saved already. //
import arnold
// Successfully imported python module 'arnold'
import mtoa
// Successfully imported python module 'mtoa'
import mtoa.cmds.registerArnoldRenderer;mtoa.cmds.registerArnoldRenderer.registerArnoldRenderer()
Maya 2018 importing module pymel 1.0.10 (/Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/
// Successfully registered renderer 'arnold'
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 35: Loading plug-in "mtoa" has resulted in changes to the scene that may need to be saved. //
// Error: line 1: Cannot find procedure "measureCreateUI". //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/" //
file -f -options "v=0;" -ignoreVersion -loadReferenceDepth "all" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb";addRecentFile("/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb", "mayaBinary");
requires -nodeType "polyDisc" "modelingToolkit" "";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
requires -nodeType "mentalrayFramebuffer" -nodeType "mentalrayOptions" -nodeType "mentalrayGlobals" -nodeType "mentalrayItemsList" -nodeType "mi_metallic_paint_x" -nodeType "mi_car_paint_phen_x" -nodeType "mia_physicalsun" -nodeType "mia_physicalsky" -nodeType "mia_material_x" -dataType "byteArray" "Mayatomr" "2018.13 ( - 274000.23818) ";
requires -nodeType "type" -nodeType "shellDeformer" -nodeType "vectorAdjust" -nodeType "typeExtrude" -nodeType "displayPoints" "Type" "2.0a";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" "mtoa" "2.0.1";
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform99 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform103 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform131 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform132 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform133 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform101 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform102 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform104 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform105 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform106 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform109 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform111 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform113 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform115 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform117 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform110 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform112 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform114 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform116 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform118 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform120 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform122 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform125 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform126 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform128 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform123 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform124 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform127 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform129 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform130 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform141 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform145 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform146 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform147 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform150 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform136 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform137 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform138 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform139 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform140 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform143 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform144 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform148 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform149 //
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Warning: line 0: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.

Please check the Script Editor for details. //
// File read in 3.4 seconds.
// File read in 3.4 seconds.
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 632: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 633: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 668: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 669: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 686: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 696: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 711: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 712: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 740: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 741: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 742: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 743: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
file -f -options "v=0;" -ignoreVersion -loadReferenceDepth "all" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/autosave/ACIUDADANO.0015.mb";addRecentFile("/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/autosave/ACIUDADANO.0015.mb", "mayaBinary");
requires -nodeType "polyDisc" "modelingToolkit" "";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
requires -nodeType "mentalrayFramebuffer" -nodeType "mentalrayOptions" -nodeType "mentalrayGlobals" -nodeType "mentalrayItemsList" -nodeType "mi_metallic_paint_x" -nodeType "mi_car_paint_phen_x" -nodeType "mia_physicalsun" -nodeType "mia_physicalsky" -nodeType "mia_material_x" -dataType "byteArray" "Mayatomr" "2018.13 ( - 274000.23818) ";
requires -nodeType "type" -nodeType "shellDeformer" -nodeType "vectorAdjust" -nodeType "typeExtrude" -nodeType "displayPoints" "Type" "2.0a";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" "mtoa" "2.0.1";
// Warning: line 0: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.

Please check the Script Editor for details. //
// File read in 2.7 seconds.
// File read in 2.7 seconds.
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
file -f -options "v=0;" -ignoreVersion -loadReferenceDepth "all" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb";addRecentFile("/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb", "mayaBinary");
requires -nodeType "polyDisc" "modelingToolkit" "";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
requires -nodeType "mentalrayFramebuffer" -nodeType "mentalrayOptions" -nodeType "mentalrayGlobals" -nodeType "mentalrayItemsList" -nodeType "mi_metallic_paint_x" -nodeType "mi_car_paint_phen_x" -nodeType "mia_physicalsun" -nodeType "mia_physicalsky" -nodeType "mia_material_x" -dataType "byteArray" "Mayatomr" "2018.13 ( - 274000.23818) ";
requires -nodeType "type" -nodeType "shellDeformer" -nodeType "vectorAdjust" -nodeType "typeExtrude" -nodeType "displayPoints" "Type" "2.0a";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" "mtoa" "2.0.1";
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform99 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform103 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform131 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform132 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform133 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform101 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform102 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform104 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform105 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform106 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform109 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform111 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform113 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform115 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform117 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform110 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform112 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform114 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform116 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform118 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform120 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform122 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform125 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform126 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform128 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform123 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform124 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform127 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform129 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform130 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform141 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform145 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform146 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform147 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform150 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform136 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform137 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform138 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform139 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform140 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform143 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform144 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform148 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform149 //
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Warning: line 0: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.

Please check the Script Editor for details. //
// File read in 2.6 seconds.
// File read in 2.6 seconds.
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r zp2|persp13 zp2|persp3 zp2|persp2 zp2|persp5 zp2|persp11 zp2|persp9 zp2|persp12 zp2|persp10 zp2|persp8 zp2|persp6 zp2|persp7 zp1|persp13 zp1|persp3 zp1|persp2 zp1|persp5 zp1|persp11 zp1|persp9 zp1|persp12 zp1|persp10 zp1|persp8 zp1|persp6 zp1|persp7 zp15|persp13 zp15|persp3 zp15|persp2 zp15|persp5 zp15|persp11 zp15|persp9 zp15|persp12 zp15|persp10 zp15|persp8 zp15|persp6 zp15|persp7 zp14|persp13 zp14|persp3 zp14|persp2 zp14|persp5 zp14|persp11 zp14|persp9 zp14|persp12 zp13|persp13 zp13|persp3 zp13|persp2 zp13|persp5 zp14|persp10 zp14|persp8 zp14|persp6 zp14|persp7 zp13|persp11 zp13|persp9 zp13|persp12 zp13|persp10 zp13|persp8 zp13|persp6 zp13|persp7 zp12|persp13 zp12|persp3 zp12|persp2 zp12|persp5 zp12|persp11 zp12|persp9 zp12|persp12 zp12|persp10 zp12|persp8 zp12|persp6 zp12|persp7 zp11|persp6 zp11|persp7 zp11|persp13 zp11|persp3 zp11|persp2 zp11|persp5 zp11|persp11 zp11|persp9 zp11|persp12 zp11|persp10 zp11|persp8 zp10|persp12 zp10|persp10 zp10|persp8 zp10|persp6 zp10|persp7 zp10|persp13 zp10|persp3 zp10|persp2 zp10|persp5 zp10|persp11 zp10|persp9 zp9|persp13 zp9|persp3 zp9|persp2 zp9|persp5 zp9|persp11 zp9|persp9 zp9|persp12 zp9|persp10 zp9|persp8 zp9|persp6 zp9|persp7 zp8|persp13 zp8|persp3 zp8|persp2 zp8|persp5 zp8|persp11 zp8|persp9 zp8|persp12 zp8|persp10 zp8|persp8 zp8|persp6 zp8|persp7 zp7|persp8 zp7|persp6 zp7|persp7 zp7|persp13 zp7|persp3 zp7|persp2 zp7|persp5 zp7|persp11 zp7|persp9 zp7|persp12 zp7|persp10 zp6|persp11 zp6|persp9 zp6|persp12 zp6|persp10 zp6|persp8 zp6|persp6 zp6|persp7 zp6|persp13 zp6|persp3 zp6|persp2 zp6|persp5 zp5|persp13 zp5|persp3 zp5|persp2 zp5|persp5 zp5|persp11 zp5|persp9 zp5|persp12 zp5|persp10 zp5|persp8 zp5|persp6 zp5|persp7 zp4|persp7 zp4|persp13 zp4|persp3 zp4|persp2 zp4|persp5 zp4|persp11 zp4|persp9 zp4|persp12 zp4|persp10 zp4|persp8 zp4|persp6 zp3|persp12 zp3|persp10 zp3|persp8 zp3|persp6 zp3|persp7 zp3|persp13 zp3|persp3 zp3|persp2 zp3|persp5 zp3|persp11 zp3|persp9 zp|persp8 zp|persp6 zp|persp7 persp4 zp|persp13 zp|persp3 zp|persp2 zp|persp5 zp|persp11 zp|persp9 zp|persp12 zp|persp10 polySurface1 ;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.caching" 1;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.frozen" 1;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.frozen" 0;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.caching" 0;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r zp4|persp3 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r |group42|group17|pCube6 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r spotLight2 ;
select -r zp4|pCylinder2 ;
select -r zp2|persp13 zp2|persp3 zp2|persp2 zp2|persp5 zp2|persp11 zp2|persp9 zp2|persp12 zp2|persp10 zp2|persp8 zp2|persp6 zp2|persp7 zp1|persp13 zp1|persp3 zp1|persp2 zp1|persp5 zp1|persp11 zp1|persp9 zp1|persp12 zp1|persp10 zp1|persp8 zp1|persp6 zp1|persp7 zp15|persp13 zp15|persp3 zp15|persp2 zp15|persp5 zp15|persp11 zp15|persp9 zp15|persp12 zp15|persp10 zp15|persp8 zp15|persp6 zp15|persp7 zp14|persp13 zp14|persp3 zp14|persp2 zp14|persp5 zp14|persp11 zp14|persp9 zp14|persp12 zp13|persp13 zp13|persp3 zp13|persp2 zp13|persp5 zp14|persp10 zp14|persp8 zp14|persp6 zp14|persp7 zp13|persp11 zp13|persp9 zp13|persp12 zp13|persp10 zp13|persp8 zp13|persp6 zp13|persp7 zp12|persp13 zp12|persp3 zp12|persp2 zp12|persp5 zp12|persp11 zp12|persp9 zp12|persp12 zp12|persp10 zp12|persp8 zp12|persp6 zp12|persp7 zp11|persp6 zp11|persp7 zp11|persp13 zp11|persp3 zp11|persp2 zp11|persp5 zp11|persp11 zp11|persp9 zp11|persp12 zp11|persp10 zp11|persp8 zp10|persp12 zp10|persp10 zp10|persp8 zp10|persp6 zp10|persp7 zp10|persp13 zp10|persp3 zp10|persp2 zp10|persp5 zp10|persp11 zp10|persp9 zp9|persp13 zp9|persp3 zp9|persp2 zp9|persp5 zp9|persp11 zp9|persp9 zp9|persp12 zp9|persp10 zp9|persp8 zp9|persp6 zp9|persp7 zp8|persp13 zp8|persp3 zp8|persp2 zp8|persp5 zp8|persp11 zp8|persp9 zp8|persp12 zp8|persp10 zp8|persp8 zp8|persp6 zp8|persp7 zp7|persp8 zp7|persp6 zp7|persp7 zp7|persp13 zp7|persp3 zp7|persp2 zp7|persp5 zp7|persp11 zp7|persp9 zp7|persp12 zp7|persp10 zp6|persp11 zp6|persp9 zp6|persp12 zp6|persp10 zp6|persp8 zp6|persp6 zp6|persp7 zp6|persp13 zp6|persp3 zp6|persp2 zp6|persp5 zp5|persp13 zp5|persp3 zp5|persp2 zp5|persp5 zp5|persp11 zp5|persp9 zp5|persp12 zp5|persp10 zp5|persp8 zp5|persp6 zp5|persp7 zp4|persp7 zp4|persp13 zp4|persp3 zp4|persp2 zp4|persp5 zp4|persp11 zp4|persp9 zp4|persp12 zp4|persp10 zp4|persp8 zp4|persp6 zp3|persp12 zp3|persp10 zp3|persp8 zp3|persp6 zp3|persp7 zp3|persp13 zp3|persp3 zp3|persp2 zp3|persp5 zp3|persp11 zp3|persp9 zp|persp8 zp|persp6 zp|persp7 persp4 zp|persp13 zp|persp3 zp|persp2 zp|persp5 zp|persp11 zp|persp9 zp|persp12 zp|persp10 zp8|pCube2 zp8|pCube3 zp8|pCube4 zp8|pCube5 zp8|pCube6 zp8|pCube7 zp8|pCube8 zp8|pSphere1 zp8|pSphere3 zp8|pCylinder1 zp8|pSphere4 zp8|pTorus1 zp8|pDisc1 zp8|pCylinder190 zp8|pTorus2 zp8|pCube1 zp8|pCylinder2 ;
// Error: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 1131: No object matches name: persp13 //
// Error: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/ line 1131: Object 'persp13' not found. //
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r ZEPPEL_401:pCylinder2 ;
select -r ZEPPEL_401:pDisc1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;

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