I just working on a model for a few days. Maya crashed suddenly, and some polygon are in bright green color, other just not there, just gone!!, no one object has a material previously assigned.., when I try to select an object, it's impossible, Maya just catch an object behind one. Please Help ME, I watch the size files, so I believe objects are there, but some connections are missing...
The Sript has this report:
file -f -new;
// untitled //
commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
onSetCurrentLayout "Maya Classic";
// Error: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/plug-ins/xgen/scripts/xgmToolRegistration.mel line 58: Cannot find procedure "xgmToolManagerRegisterTool". //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/plug-ins/xgen/scripts/igInitialize.mel line 78: Couldn't source xgmToolRegistration.mel //
// Warning: file: /Users/juanpardo/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2018/prefs/filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 4: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: /Users/juanpardo/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2018/prefs/filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 5: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: /Users/juanpardo/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2018/prefs/filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 6: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// AbcExport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.8 (built Dec 24 2015 17:46:02)
// AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.8 (built Dec 24 2015 17:46:02)
+++++++ Turtle for Maya registered successfully ++++++
// mental ray for Maya 2018
// mental ray for Maya: using startup file /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018//maya.rayrc.
// mental ray for Maya: setup
// mental ray for Maya: initialize
// mental ray for Maya: register extensions
// mental ray Node Factory: loaded
evalDeferred "shaderBallRendererMenuUpdate";
// mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
// mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018//maya.rayrc
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/object_light_phen.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/AdskShaderSDKWrappers.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/subsurface.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/subsurface.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/surfaceSampler.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/surfaceSampler.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/useribl.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/useribl.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/layering.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/layering.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/bifrostphenMR.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/layering_phen.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/paint.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/paint.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/architectural.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/architectural.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/builtin_bsdf.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/bifrostMR.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/bifrostMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/xgenMR.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/xgenMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/lookdevKitMR.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/lookdevKitMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/userdata.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/userdata.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/physics.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/physics.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/coreutil.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/coreutil.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/contour.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/contour.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/base.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/base.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/production.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/production.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/builtin_object_light.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/include/basehair.mi
// loading /Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/basehair.dylib
// generating Maya nodes...
get_mdl_modules('/Applications/NVIDIA Corporation/mentalray-3.14-for-Maya-2018/shaders/mdl')
# ['maya_default'] #
get_mdl_modules('/Library/Application Support/NVIDIA Corporation/mdl')
# ['LwFunctions', 'LwConversion', 'LwEmission', 'iray_for_rhino::rhino_5_material', 'Lw', 'LwGeometry', 'LwBase', 'adobe::annotations', 'adobe::convert', 'adobe::util', 'adobe::mtl', 'nvidia::core_definitions', 'nvidia::axf_importer::axf_importer', 'LwMeasuredBase', 'LwFinish', 'ifm', 'LwTooltips', 'alg::materials::lambert', 'alg::materials::physically_metallic_roughness', 'alg::materials::physically_specular_glossiness', 'alg::materials::blinn', 'alg::materials::lights', 'alg::base::annotations', 'alg::base::core', 'alg::base::normalmapping'] #
# [] #
# [] #
// Register mental ray VP2Override plugin
// AbcBullet v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.8 (built Dec 24 2015 17:46:02)
# pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: dgProfiler, mayaHIK, invertShape, curveWarp, CloudImportExport, hairPhysicalShader, ATFPlugin, Mayatomr, stringFormatNode, ikSpringSolver, udpDevice, retargeterNodes, denimTexture, ringsTexture, measure, AutodeskPacketFile, lookdevKit, Type, AbcBullet, modelingToolkit, veiningTexture, cleanPerFaceAssignment, bifmeshio, atomImportExport, deformerEvaluator, audioWave, scallopTexture, bullet, shotCamera, bifrostshellnode, GPUBuiltInDeformer, stereoCamera, polyNurbsProjection, tiffFloatReader, cvColorShader, studioImport, xgenToolkit, streaksTexture, AbcExport, ddsFloatReader, VectorRender, gameFbxExporter, Unfold3D, mayaCharacterization, drawSplitTool, 3dsImport, rotateHelper, closestPointOnCurve, AbcImport, frecklesTexture, sceneAssembly, gpuCache, Turtle, treeBarkTexture, renderSetup, ArubaTessellator, fbxmaya, skinShader, nodeCreatedCBCmd
// cgfxShader 4.5 for Maya 201800.0 (Jun 26 2017)
evalDeferred "shaderBallRendererMenuUpdate";
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' and label 'Standin' have been saved already. //
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' and label 'VDB' have been saved already. //
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' and label 'Image' have been saved already. //
import arnold
// Successfully imported python module 'arnold'
import mtoa
// Successfully imported python module 'mtoa'
import mtoa.cmds.registerArnoldRenderer;mtoa.cmds.registerArnoldRenderer.registerArnoldRenderer()
Maya 2018 importing module pymel 1.0.10 (/Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymel/__init__.py)
// Successfully registered renderer 'arnold'
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/autoLoadPlugin.mel line 35: Loading plug-in "mtoa" has resulted in changes to the scene that may need to be saved. //
// Error: line 1: Cannot find procedure "measureCreateUI". //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/acad.apf" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
// Error: line 1: File not found: "/var/folders/8h/rqf5jb5d5slgnzgvcfx2789c0000gn/T/juanpardo.20191210.1710.ma" //
file -f -options "v=0;" -ignoreVersion -loadReferenceDepth "all" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb";addRecentFile("/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb", "mayaBinary");
requires -nodeType "polyDisc" "modelingToolkit" "";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
requires -nodeType "mentalrayFramebuffer" -nodeType "mentalrayOptions" -nodeType "mentalrayGlobals" -nodeType "mentalrayItemsList" -nodeType "mi_metallic_paint_x" -nodeType "mi_car_paint_phen_x" -nodeType "mia_physicalsun" -nodeType "mia_physicalsky" -nodeType "mia_material_x" -dataType "byteArray" "Mayatomr" "2018.13 ( - 274000.23818) ";
requires -nodeType "type" -nodeType "shellDeformer" -nodeType "vectorAdjust" -nodeType "typeExtrude" -nodeType "displayPoints" "Type" "2.0a";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" "mtoa" "2.0.1";
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform99 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform103 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform131 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform132 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform133 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform101 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform102 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform104 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform105 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform106 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform109 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform111 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform113 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform115 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform117 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform110 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform112 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform114 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform116 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform118 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform120 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform122 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform125 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform126 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform128 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform123 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform124 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform127 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform129 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform130 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform141 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform145 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform146 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform147 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform150 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform136 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform137 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform138 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform139 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform140 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform143 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform144 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform148 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform149 //
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Warning: line 0: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.
Please check the Script Editor for details. //
// File read in 3.4 seconds.
// File read in 3.4 seconds.
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 632: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 633: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 668: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 669: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 686: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 696: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 711: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 712: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 740: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 741: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 742: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
// Warning: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/startup/scriptEditorPanel.mel line 743: The -keyEquivalent/-ke flag has been removed. Keys can be set using the Hotkey Editor. //
file -f -options "v=0;" -ignoreVersion -loadReferenceDepth "all" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/autosave/ACIUDADANO.0015.mb";addRecentFile("/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/autosave/ACIUDADANO.0015.mb", "mayaBinary");
requires -nodeType "polyDisc" "modelingToolkit" "";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
requires -nodeType "mentalrayFramebuffer" -nodeType "mentalrayOptions" -nodeType "mentalrayGlobals" -nodeType "mentalrayItemsList" -nodeType "mi_metallic_paint_x" -nodeType "mi_car_paint_phen_x" -nodeType "mia_physicalsun" -nodeType "mia_physicalsky" -nodeType "mia_material_x" -dataType "byteArray" "Mayatomr" "2018.13 ( - 274000.23818) ";
requires -nodeType "type" -nodeType "shellDeformer" -nodeType "vectorAdjust" -nodeType "typeExtrude" -nodeType "displayPoints" "Type" "2.0a";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" "mtoa" "2.0.1";
// Warning: line 0: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.
Please check the Script Editor for details. //
// File read in 2.7 seconds.
// File read in 2.7 seconds.
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
file -f -options "v=0;" -ignoreVersion -loadReferenceDepth "all" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb";addRecentFile("/Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/FCN/PLANTAS/3D/FCN/scenes/ACIUDADANO2.mb", "mayaBinary");
requires -nodeType "polyDisc" "modelingToolkit" "";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
requires -nodeType "mentalrayFramebuffer" -nodeType "mentalrayOptions" -nodeType "mentalrayGlobals" -nodeType "mentalrayItemsList" -nodeType "mi_metallic_paint_x" -nodeType "mi_car_paint_phen_x" -nodeType "mia_physicalsun" -nodeType "mia_physicalsky" -nodeType "mia_material_x" -dataType "byteArray" "Mayatomr" "2018.13 ( - 274000.23818) ";
requires -nodeType "type" -nodeType "shellDeformer" -nodeType "vectorAdjust" -nodeType "typeExtrude" -nodeType "displayPoints" "Type" "2.0a";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" "mtoa" "2.0.1";
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform99 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform103 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform131 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform132 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform133 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform101 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform102 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform104 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform105 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform106 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform109 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform111 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform113 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform115 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform117 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform110 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform112 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform114 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform116 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform118 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform120 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform122 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform125 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform126 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform128 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform123 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform124 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform127 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform129 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform130 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform141 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform145 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform146 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform147 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform150 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform136 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform137 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform138 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform139 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform140 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform143 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform144 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform148 //
// Error: line 1: More than one object matches name: transform149 //
// Warning: line 0: Unrecognized file. : /Users/juanpardo/Documents/ArTech/2019/Amezquita/actualEPS.eps //
// Warning: line 0: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.
Please check the Script Editor for details. //
// File read in 2.6 seconds.
// File read in 2.6 seconds.
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
// Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r zp2|persp13 zp2|persp3 zp2|persp2 zp2|persp5 zp2|persp11 zp2|persp9 zp2|persp12 zp2|persp10 zp2|persp8 zp2|persp6 zp2|persp7 zp1|persp13 zp1|persp3 zp1|persp2 zp1|persp5 zp1|persp11 zp1|persp9 zp1|persp12 zp1|persp10 zp1|persp8 zp1|persp6 zp1|persp7 zp15|persp13 zp15|persp3 zp15|persp2 zp15|persp5 zp15|persp11 zp15|persp9 zp15|persp12 zp15|persp10 zp15|persp8 zp15|persp6 zp15|persp7 zp14|persp13 zp14|persp3 zp14|persp2 zp14|persp5 zp14|persp11 zp14|persp9 zp14|persp12 zp13|persp13 zp13|persp3 zp13|persp2 zp13|persp5 zp14|persp10 zp14|persp8 zp14|persp6 zp14|persp7 zp13|persp11 zp13|persp9 zp13|persp12 zp13|persp10 zp13|persp8 zp13|persp6 zp13|persp7 zp12|persp13 zp12|persp3 zp12|persp2 zp12|persp5 zp12|persp11 zp12|persp9 zp12|persp12 zp12|persp10 zp12|persp8 zp12|persp6 zp12|persp7 zp11|persp6 zp11|persp7 zp11|persp13 zp11|persp3 zp11|persp2 zp11|persp5 zp11|persp11 zp11|persp9 zp11|persp12 zp11|persp10 zp11|persp8 zp10|persp12 zp10|persp10 zp10|persp8 zp10|persp6 zp10|persp7 zp10|persp13 zp10|persp3 zp10|persp2 zp10|persp5 zp10|persp11 zp10|persp9 zp9|persp13 zp9|persp3 zp9|persp2 zp9|persp5 zp9|persp11 zp9|persp9 zp9|persp12 zp9|persp10 zp9|persp8 zp9|persp6 zp9|persp7 zp8|persp13 zp8|persp3 zp8|persp2 zp8|persp5 zp8|persp11 zp8|persp9 zp8|persp12 zp8|persp10 zp8|persp8 zp8|persp6 zp8|persp7 zp7|persp8 zp7|persp6 zp7|persp7 zp7|persp13 zp7|persp3 zp7|persp2 zp7|persp5 zp7|persp11 zp7|persp9 zp7|persp12 zp7|persp10 zp6|persp11 zp6|persp9 zp6|persp12 zp6|persp10 zp6|persp8 zp6|persp6 zp6|persp7 zp6|persp13 zp6|persp3 zp6|persp2 zp6|persp5 zp5|persp13 zp5|persp3 zp5|persp2 zp5|persp5 zp5|persp11 zp5|persp9 zp5|persp12 zp5|persp10 zp5|persp8 zp5|persp6 zp5|persp7 zp4|persp7 zp4|persp13 zp4|persp3 zp4|persp2 zp4|persp5 zp4|persp11 zp4|persp9 zp4|persp12 zp4|persp10 zp4|persp8 zp4|persp6 zp3|persp12 zp3|persp10 zp3|persp8 zp3|persp6 zp3|persp7 zp3|persp13 zp3|persp3 zp3|persp2 zp3|persp5 zp3|persp11 zp3|persp9 zp|persp8 zp|persp6 zp|persp7 persp4 zp|persp13 zp|persp3 zp|persp2 zp|persp5 zp|persp11 zp|persp9 zp|persp12 zp|persp10 polySurface1 ;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.caching" 1;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.frozen" 1;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.frozen" 0;
setAttr "polySurface1|polySurfaceShape1.caching" 0;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r zp4|persp3 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r |group42|group17|pCube6 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;
select -r spotLight2 ;
select -r zp4|pCylinder2 ;
select -r zp2|persp13 zp2|persp3 zp2|persp2 zp2|persp5 zp2|persp11 zp2|persp9 zp2|persp12 zp2|persp10 zp2|persp8 zp2|persp6 zp2|persp7 zp1|persp13 zp1|persp3 zp1|persp2 zp1|persp5 zp1|persp11 zp1|persp9 zp1|persp12 zp1|persp10 zp1|persp8 zp1|persp6 zp1|persp7 zp15|persp13 zp15|persp3 zp15|persp2 zp15|persp5 zp15|persp11 zp15|persp9 zp15|persp12 zp15|persp10 zp15|persp8 zp15|persp6 zp15|persp7 zp14|persp13 zp14|persp3 zp14|persp2 zp14|persp5 zp14|persp11 zp14|persp9 zp14|persp12 zp13|persp13 zp13|persp3 zp13|persp2 zp13|persp5 zp14|persp10 zp14|persp8 zp14|persp6 zp14|persp7 zp13|persp11 zp13|persp9 zp13|persp12 zp13|persp10 zp13|persp8 zp13|persp6 zp13|persp7 zp12|persp13 zp12|persp3 zp12|persp2 zp12|persp5 zp12|persp11 zp12|persp9 zp12|persp12 zp12|persp10 zp12|persp8 zp12|persp6 zp12|persp7 zp11|persp6 zp11|persp7 zp11|persp13 zp11|persp3 zp11|persp2 zp11|persp5 zp11|persp11 zp11|persp9 zp11|persp12 zp11|persp10 zp11|persp8 zp10|persp12 zp10|persp10 zp10|persp8 zp10|persp6 zp10|persp7 zp10|persp13 zp10|persp3 zp10|persp2 zp10|persp5 zp10|persp11 zp10|persp9 zp9|persp13 zp9|persp3 zp9|persp2 zp9|persp5 zp9|persp11 zp9|persp9 zp9|persp12 zp9|persp10 zp9|persp8 zp9|persp6 zp9|persp7 zp8|persp13 zp8|persp3 zp8|persp2 zp8|persp5 zp8|persp11 zp8|persp9 zp8|persp12 zp8|persp10 zp8|persp8 zp8|persp6 zp8|persp7 zp7|persp8 zp7|persp6 zp7|persp7 zp7|persp13 zp7|persp3 zp7|persp2 zp7|persp5 zp7|persp11 zp7|persp9 zp7|persp12 zp7|persp10 zp6|persp11 zp6|persp9 zp6|persp12 zp6|persp10 zp6|persp8 zp6|persp6 zp6|persp7 zp6|persp13 zp6|persp3 zp6|persp2 zp6|persp5 zp5|persp13 zp5|persp3 zp5|persp2 zp5|persp5 zp5|persp11 zp5|persp9 zp5|persp12 zp5|persp10 zp5|persp8 zp5|persp6 zp5|persp7 zp4|persp7 zp4|persp13 zp4|persp3 zp4|persp2 zp4|persp5 zp4|persp11 zp4|persp9 zp4|persp12 zp4|persp10 zp4|persp8 zp4|persp6 zp3|persp12 zp3|persp10 zp3|persp8 zp3|persp6 zp3|persp7 zp3|persp13 zp3|persp3 zp3|persp2 zp3|persp5 zp3|persp11 zp3|persp9 zp|persp8 zp|persp6 zp|persp7 persp4 zp|persp13 zp|persp3 zp|persp2 zp|persp5 zp|persp11 zp|persp9 zp|persp12 zp|persp10 zp8|pCube2 zp8|pCube3 zp8|pCube4 zp8|pCube5 zp8|pCube6 zp8|pCube7 zp8|pCube8 zp8|pSphere1 zp8|pSphere3 zp8|pCylinder1 zp8|pSphere4 zp8|pTorus1 zp8|pDisc1 zp8|pCylinder190 zp8|pTorus2 zp8|pCube1 zp8|pCylinder2 ;
// Error: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/others/createModelPanelMenu.mel line 1131: No object matches name: persp13 //
// Error: file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2018/Maya.app/Contents/scripts/others/createModelPanelMenu.mel line 1131: Object 'persp13' not found. //
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r zp4|persp13 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r ZEPPEL_401:pCylinder2 ;
select -r ZEPPEL_401:pDisc1 ;
select -r pPlane3 ;
select -r polySurface1 ;
select -r pPlane1 ;