This happens whenever you have more than 100 mesh objects (with UVs) selected while the UV Editor is open.
Basically it's because there is an error in one of the UV Editor mel scripts. Literally every time selection changes, or a UV set is modified the function textureWindowUpdateUVSets() inside texturePanelMenus.mel is called. This function is responsible for creating the "Current UV Sets" sub menus on the UV Editor "UV Sets" menu. The last thing this function does is to create a NEW menuItem to warn the user that "too many objects are selected" to display all their UV information. It tries to create this menuItem every time using the same uiControl name: ($prefix+"UVSetTooManyObjects").
Obviously, after the first time this happens an error is thrown because a ui item with that name already exists.
There is no real "fix" or solution to this issue (unless you want to edit the installed MEL yourself), the only workaround is to only select 99 or less objects. You can safely ignore this error though as it's thrown right at the end of the script so it doesn't cause anything else to stop working, but it's still annoying as hell.
The real solution, should Autodesk be bothered to correct it, is either to ensure that this menuItem is destroyed on each menu update, or alternatively to check if it exists first before trying to recreate it. Either option is one or two lines of additional MEL.