I am trying to follow this tutorial: http://area.autodesk.com/learning/how-to-render-a-mandelbulb
I dont know what i am doing wrong. It looks like Arnold doesn't load the mandelbulb_proc.dll.
If i try to render the standIn inside of maya i get this error: // Error: [ass] line 80: node "mandelbulb" is not installed //
I am sure that ARNOLD_PLUGIN_PATH is set correctly.
If i try to render it with 'kick mandelbrot.ass' i get this error: unable to load dynamic library C:\User\***\***\mandelbulb_proc.dll: The specified procedure could not be found.
Am i doing something wrong? How can i fix this?
You don't say what version of MtoA you use.
I'm using MtoA, and here's how I kicked the ASS file:
cd C:\solidangle\mtoadeploy\2017 set ARNOLD_PLUGIN_PATH=C:\Users\blairs\Downloads\area_mandelbulb bin\kick -dp -l shaders C:\Users\blairs\Downloads\area_mandelbulb\mandelbulb.ass -v 5
Note that you'll get some pop-up errors because kick tries to load procedurals like bifrostapi.dll, and those depend on Maya libs. You can ignore those (just click OK). We're going to fix that.
And to render it in Maya:
Stephen Blair
I am trying to get this Mandelbulb to render in maya and i am getting this error? I am on Maya 2018.4
// Warning: [proc] cube: don't know how to load mandelbulb_proc.so!
My steps
Most likely I am missing a step...
any help is appreciated!
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